two out of three TGVs and one out of two TERs during the strike against the pension reform

The day after a third day of action after those of January 19 and 31, two railway unions – CGT-Cheminots and SUD-Rail – are still calling for a stoppage of work on Wednesday against the pension reform project, said the SNCF Tuesday, February 7, which once again announces disruptions on the TGV, TER, Transilien and Intercités networks.

Read also: February 7 strike against pension reform, live: “Making people work longer is an unprecedented regression”

The company plans on average 2 out of 3 TGVs, with in detail 2 out of 3 trains to the North, a circulation “almost normal” towards the East, 3 trains out of 5 towards the South-East, 1 train out of 2 towards the Atlantic, 2 Ouigo out of 3 and 3 province-province TGV out of 5. Traffic will be normal for Eurostar, “slightly disturbed” for Thalys, and the other international connections will have 4 trains out of 5 on average (except Switzerland, 3 out of 5). SNCF Voyageurs is counting on 1 Intercités out of 2 and will cancel its night trains. The company also plans to run nearly 1 out of 2 TER, with disruptions in all regions.

No call for a strike on Saturday by railway unions

In Ile-de-France, SNCF announces normal traffic on lines A, B and K, as well as on tram-trains T4, T11 and T13. It provides for 3 trains out of 4 on lines P and U, 2 trains out of 3 on lines E, H, J and L, 1 train out of 2 on lines C and N and 2 trains out of 5 on RER D with a cut between Gare de Lyon and Châtelet-les-Halles. Finally, line R, with 1 train out of 5 on average, will not run between Melun and Montereau.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: the unions are looking for the “good balance”, between mobilization and the desire not to “penalize users”

The disturbances were much greater on Tuesday, the third national day of action against the pension reform, where the four representative unions of the SNCF – UNSA-Ferroviaire and CFDT in addition to the CGT-Cheminots and SUD-Rail – called for the strike. SNCF Voyageurs canceled, on Tuesday, 1 TGV out of 2 on average, almost all Intercités and 7 TER out of 10. Train traffic had been more affected during the first two interprofessional days against the reform, on January 19 and 31.

The railway unions, on the other hand, did not call a strike for Saturday, the fourth of the national day of action, which is also the first day of vacation for zone B and half-time for those in zone A.

The World with AFP

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