Two passenger trains crashed – train crash in East India: cause of the accident known – News

  • After the devastating train accident in the eastern Indian state of Odisha, the cause of the accident has apparently been found.
  • India’s railway minister spoke of an “error in the electronic signal box” and announced a comprehensive investigation report.
  • The number of dead is now given as 288, the number of injured varies between 800 and 1000.
  • The accident happened on Friday evening (local time) 200 kilometers southwest of Kolkata. Two passenger trains and one freight train were involved.


Train wagons overturned and wedged into each other: an image from the air makes the extent of the destruction visible.


“An investigation will be made into who did this and what caused it,” Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said in an interview with New Delhi Television.

In the accident in the Indian state of Odisha, two passenger trains and a freight train apparently collided after a derailment. How exactly that happened is still unclear. The accident happened on Friday evening around 7 p.m. local time (3 p.m. CEST), in a rural area of ​​the Balasore district, a good 200 kilometers southwest of Kolkata (formerly: Calcutta).

Rescue work continues

As dawn broke on Saturday, the extent of the disaster became more apparent. About a dozen wrecked cars lay on and off the tracks, steel behemoths rearing up, some with compartment ceilings torn open, windows shattered.

On and next to the carriages, dozens of civil and official helpers tried desperately to rescue injured passengers under the tons of rubble. The rescue work continued in the dark and is stopping. Numerous other people could lie under the overturned wagons.

Politicians and heads of state expressed their condolences around the world. Including the President of the United States Joe Biden. “Jill and I are heartbroken after the tragic news of the fatal train accident in India,” said Biden on Saturday (local time), according to a statement from the White House in Washington, also on behalf of the First Lady. The President and his wife’s thoughts are with the people of India.

Also UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres According to his spokesman Stéphane Dujarric, he was “deeply saddened” after the accident. The Secretary-General offered condolences to the families of the victims as well as to the people of India and their government, a statement from New York said.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, also expressed his sympathy. He tweeted to Modi and the victims’ families: “We share your pain of loss.”

Russia’s President Wladimir Putin wrote in a telegram published by the Kremlin: “We share the grief of those who lost their loved ones in this disaster and hope for a speedy recovery of all those injured.”

Pope Francis assured “his spiritual closeness to all those affected by this tragedy”. His thoughts are with the grieving relatives and the injured. He asked for the “divine gifts of courage and bravery” for the rescue workers.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen tweeted Modi: “Europe mourns with you”. And also the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz as well as Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier expressed their sympathy.

India known for train accidents

India’s ailing railway system with old trains and tracks in need of an overhaul is notorious for frequent accidents. But such high numbers of victims are extremely rare even in the huge country with 1.4 billion inhabitants.

Man in front of train wrecks.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits the scene of the accident.

Reuters/Handout India’s Press Information Bureau

Shortly after the accident, the prime minister’s office announced compensation for the victims and their families.

Those responsible will be severely punished.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself announced the consequences. “Those responsible will be severely punished,” he said, according to local media such as the “Hindustan Times” when visiting the scene of the accident and injured people in a hospital. Instructions were given to consider “every angle” during the investigation.

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