Two times four is great! – Big test: The best winter tires for your car

A total of seven models of this size achieved this grade, and they don’t necessarily have to be a bad choice: “Anyone who already knows that the car will stay in the garage on snowy roads can, for example, without hesitation reach for the Maxxis Premitra Snow WP6, which performs well in all other criteria performs well to very well, and is even the best on dry roads.” The same applies to the three products rated “recommended with reservations” (Dunlop Winter Response 2, Fulda Kristall Montero 3 and Barum Polaris 5), with the Dunlop tire having one occupies a special position because it is one of the best in all criteria – just not on dry roads, which earns it a rating from “highly recommended” to “conditionally recommended”.

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