two very good free games this weekend, go for it!

We now know the two free games targeted by the Free Play Days on Xbox Game Pass, and there are a lot of people there for this weekend, with very different styles.

As a reminder, Free Play Days allow subscribers to Xbox Game Pass and its Core counterpart to enjoy selected titles at no extra cost, from Thursday to Sunday. Now for the free games covered by this weekend’s offer, active from today.

The new weekend offer on Xbox Game Pass

Last week, Xbox Game Pass spoiled its subscribers with Free Play Days targeting Destiny 2, Crime Boss: Rockay City, Cities Skylines Remastered and From Space. This week, we’re dividing the number of games to try for free into two, but not in terms of quality. Enter Killing Floor 2 and Planet Coaster: Console Edition.

The first is a bloody and brutal cooperative FPS developed by Tripwire Interactive. In a group of up to six players, you will have to choose between different classes and slay waves of monsters, each one more disturbing than the last. After each wave, you will receive some money to spend with a merchant to increase your chances of getting out of the current game alive. Killing Floor 2 is indeed no joke when it comes to difficulty. If players don’t cooperate, the game won’t give a damn.

We’re radically changing the atmosphere with the second free game available on Xbox Game Pass for these Free Play Days. It’s not about killing monsters, it’s about building the amusement park of your dreams. The Frontier Developments title will also put your management skills to the test. It will indeed be necessary to make the park attractive to visitors and meet their needs in terms of food, safety, hygiene and others. Please note that only the console version of the game is affected by this weekend’s offer.

Here are the games for this weekend from Free Play Days © Microsoft

Free game offers limited in time

Remember once again that the Free Play Days offer starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday. The window to try the free games offered is therefore inevitably limited. If the titles to try don’t interest you, you’ll have to come back next Thursday to see what Xbox Game Pass will have in store for its subscribers.

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