Two-year-old solves complex arithmetic problems: “A new Einstein”

wonder child
This two-year-old solves complex math problems in his head

Solving arithmetic problems is no problem for a two-year-old boy.

You either liked it or hated it at school: mathematics. But for a little boy, juggling numbers is pure fun. He solves complex calculation problems without hesitation.

For two-year-old Devan, one plus one is a piece of cake. He has already arrived in higher spheres of calculation. Where others might reach their limits without a calculator, he quickly calculates the result – in his head.

Internet users agree: Devan is the “new Einstein”

Devan’s math skills are uploaded to the TikTok channel “devanlovesnumbers” and impress thousands of people. TikTok users agree that he must be a “child prodigy”. In the video we show how quickly he solves the tasks – can you do it just as quickly?

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