Uber files: “This lobbying logic is not surprising”, reacts Laurent Berger

Solene Delinger
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09:09, July 11, 2022

Laurent Berger was the guest of Europe 1 this Monday morning. At the microphone of Thierry Dagiral, the secretary general of the CFDT reacted to the scandal of “Uber files”. An investigation based on thousands of internal Uber documents, revealed by numerous media, revealed the involvement of the President of the Republic, then Minister of the Economy, in the establishment and consolidation of the VTC giant in France.

Laurent Berger is not particularly surprised by the revelations concerning the links maintained between Uber and the President of the Republic, when the latter was Minister of the Economy. “It’s nothing new that Uber is at this point in a lobbying logic to deregulate, to make money by taking little account of what exists in terms of law in the countries and especially in terms of rights of the workers concerned”, reacted this Monday morning the secretary general of the CFDT on Europe 1.

“All this is not new”

Revelations from the international press demonstrate how Emmanuel Macron, then Minister of the Economy between 2014 and 2016, worked behind the scenes to promote the establishment and development in France of Uber, this American company which had aroused the wrath of taxis upon arrival on national soil. The head of state met several times with the founder of Uber, Travis KLalanick, and lobbyists from the company. The Thévenoud law then regulates the activity of VTCs in France. Uber wants to develop UberPop, this service that allows any driver to become a driver to make ends meet. Accused of deregulating the market, the establishment of Uber had caused a major social conflict with taxis with demonstrations and clashes.

“There is no question of questioning the job that was created by Uber”

“What is problematic is that there is not at that time a form of reflex in saying they are lobbying. This is not new. Many are doing it. And there is a bit of a thoughtfulness to try to ensure that there are rules that are laid down”, develops Laurent Berger for whom “there is no question of questioning the job that was created by Uber”. “Today, what you have to look at are the rights and the way they behave, including with regard to their VTC drivers”.

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