UFO on a photo of Apollo 9: the big rumor

A black triangle spotted in a 1969 NASA photo is making the rounds on the internet. But the origin of this “UFO” seems to have been elucidated.

UFOs do not just appear in the sky, they can also arise from the past: this is the case of this anomaly detected in a NASA photo (in high definition here), more than five decades old. This shot where a strange black triangle appears was taken on March 8, 1969 by an astronaut during a spacewalk. The object seems to be located at a great distance, in the upper atmosphere. It was the YouTube channel Secure Team, as popular as it was unreliable, which brought this image back to the fore, claiming that it is a real scoop, passed under the radar for 50 years. The photo was therefore taken up by several large-circulation newspapers, including The Sun.

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However, it has been circulating for several years on sites and forums dedicated to ufology, giving rise to countless comments and interpretations. But it is another Youtubeur, ufoofinterest, skeptical that one, who offers the most convincing explanation for this “sensational” image. In fact, this document is part of a batch of photos from the Apollo 9 mission in low Earth orbit, digitized in 2004 for publication on a NASA website. However, it turns out that several of these images had a defect that appeared during the scan, periodically returning in the form of a small black spot with more or less regular contours. Unless, therefore, this “UFO” managed to appear on almost all the photos of the Apollo 9 mission, the hypothesis of imperfection on the digitized photos remains the most likely.

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