UFOs land in open session in US Congress



For the first time in 50 years, a public hearing on UFOs will be held in Congress on May 17. An important step towards ending the culture of secrecy surrounding the issue of unidentified aerial phenomena.

May 17 will undoubtedly be a date to mark with a white stone in the history of UFOs in the United States. For the first time in 50 years, reports the New York Times, a public hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) in Congress will be held before members of the Intelligence Committee, a standing committee under the authority of the House of Commons. Representatives. Two Pentagon officers will be heard there.

Read also: The United States has a UFO analysis office

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This hearing is intended to assess the potential threats that UAPs may pose to national security. It is a continuation of the publication in June 2021 of a preliminary Pentagon report on interactions between UFOs and soldiers listing 144 incidents since 2004, only one of which could be explained.

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It is the Democratic representative of Indiana, André Carson, responsible for the subcommittee on “counter-terrorism, counter-intelligence and counter-proliferation” who will lead the hearing. “It is a matter of public interest and maintaining unnecessary secrecy can prove an obstacle to solving the mystery,” he rejoices. André Carson assures that this hearing will “allow us to examine the measures that the Pentagon can take so that military and civilian pilots who report sightings are no longer stigmatized.”

Andre Carson’s tweet announcing the May 17 hearing: “Congress has not held a public hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UFO) in over 50 years. That will change next week when I lead a hearing in @HouseIntel on this topic and the national security risk it poses. Americans need to know more about these unexplained events.”

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Democratic Representative Adam B. Schiff, Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, adds: “It is about illuminating one of the greatest mysteries of our time and breaking the cycle of excessive secrecy and speculation by favoring transparency. and the truth.”

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Among the witnesses who will be heard are Ronald S. Moultrie, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security and Scott W. Bray, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence.

The last public hearing devoted to UFOs dates from the famous Project Blue Book, a US Air Force report completed in the late 1960s which concluded that the phenomenon posed no threat to national security, that most cases were explained or explainable and that it required no further investigation. 50 years after this funeral in good and due form, the tone is likely to be very different this May 17.

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