UK: Government declares national mourning for Queen Elizabeth II

GB: The government decrees national mourning for Queen Elizabeth II |  Photo credits: UK Parliament / CC BY-NC 2.0

GB: The government decrees national mourning for Queen Elizabeth II | Photo credits: UK Parliament / CC BY-NC 2.0

LONDON, Sept 9 (Reuters) – The British government officially declared a period of national mourning on Friday, following the death of Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 96.

The government document summarizing the instructions for this period of national mourning – which specifies the recommendations for travel or even businesses and public services – specifies that this period of national mourning will last until the end of the day of the funeral of the sovereign.

The government specifies that there is no obligation to cancel or postpone sporting events and meetings, nor to close entertainment venues, as many decisions are the direct responsibility of the organizations directly concerned.

Buckingham Palace announced earlier this morning that the royal family would observe a seven-day period of mourning after Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.

(William James report, written by Muvija M; French version Myriam Rivet, edited by Sophie Louet)

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