UK local elections: Losses for the Conservatives

The opposition Labor Party wins two symbolically important constituencies. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s illegal lockdown parties could hurt the Tories further.

Labor Party candidates celebrate a historic victory in London’s Westminster constituency. May 6, 2022

Henry Nicholls/Reuters

(dpa)/gds. According to the first results on Friday morning, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservatives suffered painful losses in the local elections in Great Britain. For the first time, the opposition Labor Party was able to gain control of the Borough Council in central London’s Westminster district, where the government buildings and many of the city’s landmarks are located. Wandsworth Borough also went to the Social Democrats for the first time in four decades. At least symbolically, this is considered a heavy defeat for the prime minister.

Elsewhere in England, Tory losses were initially limited. It was therefore not yet clear in the morning whether the prime minister, who was criticized for the affair about illegal lockdown parties at the seat of government, would come under further pressure from the local elections.

Keir Starmer, leader of the Labor Party, was pleased with the interim result: “This is a huge turning point for us,” he told the media. He referred to the low point in the 2019 general election, when the largest opposition party had suffered significant losses. “We have changed Labor,” Starmer said, speaking of a “message” to Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Scotland and Wales results expected on Friday

In Scotland and Wales, voters were also called on Thursday to elect new local and county councils. A new regional parliament was elected in Northern Ireland. The counting of the votes should only start on Friday. A result was expected later today. According to polls, the Catholic-Republican party Sinn Fein is likely to become the strongest force in the former troubled province of Northern Ireland for the first time.

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