Ukraine conflict – Russia continues to withdraw troops – according to its own statements – News

  • According to its own statements, Russia is continuing its announced partial withdrawal of troops after the end of maneuvers.
  • As the Ministry of Defense announced on Wednesday, several units from exercises on the Crimean peninsula returned to their locations.
  • Russia’s EU ambassador also assured the daily newspaper “Welt” that there would be no attack on Wednesday.

The state agency Ria Novosti released a video showing a train with tanks and other military vehicles on the Crimean Bridge in the dark. That bridge leads from the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014, to the Russian mainland. It was not initially disclosed how many soldiers were involved. The military is also permanently stationed on the peninsula.

Belarus also promised on Wednesday that all Russian soldiers stationed on its territory as part of large-scale military maneuvers will leave the country after the exercises are scheduled to end on February 20. “Not a single soldier, not a single piece of equipment will remain on Belarusian territory after the maneuvers with Russia,” Foreign Minister Vladimir Makey said at a press conference.

As far as Russia is concerned, I can assure you that there will be no attack this Wednesday.

The ministry had already announced a partial withdrawal of the soldiers on Tuesday before Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. The West reacted cautiously. Other maneuvers such as the exercise in Belarus also continued.

EU demands de-escalating measures from Russia

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Russia must take “concrete and tangible measures” to defuse tensions in Ukraine, which “also threaten peace and security in Europe,” said European Council President Charles Michel.

“This is the prerequisite for a sincere political dialogue, we cannot keep trying to do diplomacy on one side while the other side is piling up troops,” Michel warned in the plenary chamber of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

The British government also expressed reservations about the alleged troop withdrawals. Britain has so far had no evidence that Russia is withdrawing its troops from positions near the Ukrainian border, Defense Secretary Ben Wallace told Times Radio. Wallace told the BBC: “Physical observations show the opposite of some of the recent announcements from the Kremlin.”

“There will be no attack”

Meanwhile, Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s ambassador to the EU, has vehemently rejected US warnings that Russian troops might invade neighboring Ukraine on Wednesday. “As far as Russia is concerned, I can assure you that there will be no attack this Wednesday. There will be no escalation in the coming week either, or in the week after that, or in the coming month,” Chizhov told Die Welt on Wednesday. He also added: “Wars in Europe rarely start on a Wednesday”.

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