Ukraine distances itself from Melnyk’s statement

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, a new “Iron Curtain” is falling between Russia and the West. The 72-year-old politician said this to journalists in Minsk on Thursday. “This process has already begun.” Western politicians should be careful “not to get their fingers caught in it.”

The Russian foreign minister accused the European Union of showing “no interest” in Russia’s position. The EU’s decisions would be “dictated by Washington”. The decisions taken at the NATO summit in Madrid showed that the USA “want to subject all states to their will”.

“The Iron Curtain is now being erected by the Westerners themselves,” he said Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makej at the meeting in Minsk.

The former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill coined the term Iron Curtain in 1946 because after the division of Germany into the occupation zones there was no agreement between the Soviet Union and Great Britain, the USA and France and the powers were then sealed off into two blocs – one capitalist West and socialist East – came.

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