Ukraine, Europeans, end of life… What to remember from Nicolas Sarkozy’s interview with “Figaro”

Jacques Serais / Photo credit: STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP
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08:41, May 30, 2024

With less than two weeks before the European elections, it’s speaking out that counts. Nicolas Sarkozy gave a long interview in the columns of Figarothis Wednesday. Russia, Israel, European elections, immigration… the former President of the Republic has not avoided any subject, distances himself from Emmanuel Macron and speaks in particular on the theme of the end of life which is currently being debated at the National Assembly.

“Everything cannot be regulated by law”, believes Nicolas Sarkozy, before continuing: “There is a gray, intimate zone, where three parties must have a deep, sensitive and human dialogue: the patient, his closest family. relative and the doctor. Should this moment be administratively standardized, regulated, coded? I don’t believe it,” he believes.

The link between immigration and delinquency is “obvious” he says

A response at odds with the choice made by Emmanuel Macron to create a French model of end of life. And this is not the only subject that differentiates the former president from the current one. Regarding New Caledonia, “the debate is now closed”, considers Nicolas Sarkozy. “It is necessary to unfreeze the electoral body and restore order,” he assures.

As for the question about the existence of a link between immigration and delinquency, his answer could not be clearer: “Who can seriously affirm that there is not one? Of course the link is obvious.” A link that Valérie Hayer, head of the majority list for Europeans, contests. Nicolas Sarkozy did not give him his support. “I will vote on June 9 without making my choice public,” he announces, specifying, however, that he has a lot of sympathy for François-Xavier Bellamy.

The former tenant of the Élysée also discussed international news, including the Ukrainian issue on which he once again distances himself from Emmanuel Macron. “The entry of kyiv into the EU or NATO would in no way resolve the current problems,” he explains. As for sending ground troops, “allow me to express serious doubts,” says Nicolas Sarkozy, who concludes: “Have we even thought about the consequences?”

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