Ukraine: five bodies, including that of the mayor, found with their hands tied in the village of Motyzhyn

War between Ukraine and Russiacase

The corpses of the aedile of a locality located west of Kyiv, that of her husband and their son were discovered in a grave. Those of two other men were also found.

The gruesome discoveries continue in Ukrainian territories where the Russian army has retreated. The bodies of the mayor of the village of Motyzhyn, that of her husband, their son and two other men were found in this locality west of Kyiv. Several journalists were able to see it on Monday.

The mayor and her family members were half-buried in a grave dug in a pine forest bordering the house of the village mayor. The body of another man was lying at the bottom of a small well in the garden. According to the police, the five people had their hands tied behind their backs.

Refusal to cooperate

Mayor Olga Sukhenko, 50, her husband and their son were abducted by Russian forces on March 24. According to villagers, they had refused to collaborate with the invading army. On March 11, the mayor of Melitopol, in southern Ukraine, was also kidnapped by Russian soldiers. But he was released a few days later. Now, Russian soldiers have been loosening the grip on the Kyiv region and the north for several days to concentrate their military efforts on the east of the country.

In Boutcha, a town located about thirty kilometers northeast of Motyzhyn, dozens of corpses wearing civilian clothes were discovered this weekend in the streets or in mass graves, after the Russian withdrawal. Moscow claims that it is a staging made after he left this suburb of Kyiv. But an analysis of satellite images carried out by the New York Times demonstrates that bodies of civilians had been lying in the city for nearly two weeks.

These findings have provoked outrage from Ukraine’s Western allies who have promised new sanctions “this week” against Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who denounced “war crimes” and one “genocide”will speak this Tuesday before the Security Council for the first time since the invasion of his country by Russia.

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