Ukraine: “NATO poses a threat to the Russians”, according to the Chinese ambassador

Solene Delinger
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2:53 p.m., May 27, 2022

Lu Shaye was the guest of Europe Matin this Friday. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the Chinese ambassador to France spoke about the war in Ukraine. According to him, the root cause of this crisis is explained by the expansionist policy of NATO, which constitutes a “military threat” for Russia.

While China has never really clearly condemned the war led by Russia in Ukraine, Lu Shaye spoke about the conflict at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk this Friday Europe 1. The Chinese ambassador to France assured that Beijing “always respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries” and that “a solution to the crisis must be found by peaceful means, through dialogue and consultation”.

“NATO’s expansionist policy is the reason for this deep crisis”

Three months after the start of the war in Ukraine, Lu Shaye calls for reflection on the “root cause of this crisis”. According to him, the conflict arose because of “NATO’s five cycles of eastward expansion”. “And this is not only China’s position, it is also the point of view of many Westerners”, he underlines at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk.

A “threat to the security of Russia”

“I think for the Russians too, this poses a military threat,” continues Lu Shaye. “It is a threat to the security of Russia. You cannot oppress or threaten the security of others by forbidding others to retaliate or defend themselves.”

Lu Shaye does not hide it: China does have a “very solid strategic partnership with Russia”. This partnership would be in the “interests of both countries” as the “United States and its Western allies practice a strategy of containment and try to contain China and Russia”.

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