Ukraine-Russia war: Hollywood stars stand up against Putin

Iamerican stars close ranks against Putin. Like Madonna who shared this weekend a montage of a surfer where Vladimir Poutine is squarely compared to Adolf Hitler. This is a video that intertwines photos and videos of the conflict in Ukraine and excerpts from the clip “Sorry” by the American singer. The whole thing is accompanied by an unequivocal message on her Instagram account: “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, unnecessary and motivated by greed, must be stopped”, she judges. “Putin violated all human rights agreements. Putin has no right to erase the existence of Ukraine. We support you President Zelensky, we pray for you and your country. “And to encourage his followers to mobilize by following the instructions of the international organization Global Citizen, which details “8 concrete ways to help Ukraine”.

The queen of pop is not the only one to speak out against an invasion that she disapproves of. Sean Penn, 61, went there last week to make a documentary on the current events, with the aim of “revealing the truth to the world about the Russian invasion” specify the Ukrainian presidential services. A committed actor and director, he had already begun to take an interest in the conflict in this region when he went to meet Ukrainian soldiers on the front line last November, on the border of the separatist regions supported by Vladimir Putin.

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Dear unleashed

Same determination in the singer Cher who went wild on his Twitter account “Putin is a despot, a Trump hero and if given the chance, he will devour sovereign states until he resurrects the USSR,” she said bluntly. For her part, actress Milla Jovovich, of Ukrainian origin, denounced on Instagram “the endless steamroller of imperialism”, saying she was torn by the conflict. “And always the people who pay in blood and tears,” she concludes.

As for those, more cautious, who do not attack Putin directly, they engage without reserve behind the Ukrainian civilians. Like Angelina Jolie who says “pray for people in Ukraine”, or even singer Miley Cyrus who says she supports “all those who have been affected by this attack”, calling for an end to the fighting. For his part, Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke directly to the Ukrainian people: “I share your pain and your hope for peace, he wrote on Instagram. I am impressed by your courage and your humanity and your courage in the face of this nightmare. God bless you. »

Indignation that some will consider very sterile, Putin only knowing the language of force. But behind the battle on Ukrainian soil is also a war on social networks, in order to counter Russian propaganda. And on this ground, with their millions of fans, the world stars have engaged their battalions.

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