Ukraine-Russia war: “With cyberattacks, the distinctions between civilian and military targets are blurred”

As cyber war rages in Ukraine, cyber defense specialist Nicolas Arpagian warns against interference in our presidential election.

Simulation of an extension of a cyberattack on a global level.
Simulation of an extension of a cyberattack on a global level.
© Flickr Creative Commons/Christiaan Colen

By Guillaume Grallet

De Gaulle – Think, resist, govern

His name has become synonymous with a free and powerful France. De Gaulle, the man of the appeal of June 18, has established himself in history first as a rebel, a resistance fighter and then as a charismatic political leader, in France and abroad. Adored, hated during his presidency, he became after his death a myth, an ideal politician that on the right and on the left we begin to regret.



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