Ukraine should ‘reflect’ on Putin’s proposal as its position ‘worsens’ on the front, Kremlin says

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The Kremlin said on Sunday that Ukraine should “reflect” on the peace proposal recently formulated by President Vladimir Putin, because the situation on the front “is getting worse” for Ukrainian forces.

“The current dynamics of the situation on the front clearly shows us that it will continue to get worse for Ukrainians. It is likely that a politician who places the interests of the homeland above his own and those of his masters would consider such a proposal,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, referring to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Mr. Putin on Friday proposed a ceasefire and the opening of peace negotiations with Ukraine if it withdraws its troops from four regions that Moscow partially occupies and abandons its plan to join NATO. Ukraine, the United States and NATO immediately rejected these conditions. Mr. Peskov assured Sunday that it was not an “ultimatum”, but “a peace initiative which takes into account the realities on the ground”.

These statements come as Volodymyr Zelensky promised to make peace proposals to Russia once they are validated by the international community, within the framework of a summit on Ukraine in Switzerland to which Russia did not participate. been invited.

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