Ukraine summit: Many Western celebrities, much Southern abstinence – News

Switzerland invites people to the Ukraine summit, and the world shows up. The whole world? Not at all.

Federal President Viola Amherd had promised a summit for peace in Ukraine – a meeting not only of ministers, but of heads of state: monarchs, presidents, heads of government. 160 states were invited to represent delegations from 92 countries will be represented, 57 of them at the highest level.

It should not be just any summit, but a global one – political celebrities not only from Europe and North America, but also from the so-called Global South, where many states still maintain good relations with Russia. But the Global South is much less prominently present on the Bürgenstock than the West.

Who is coming – a selection

Volodymyr Zelensky: The Ukrainian president initiated the summit and found a host in Switzerland. But contrary to what he had hoped, the summit is not based on his ten-point plan. And not everyone he wants to have there will come.

Olaf Scholz: The German Chancellor is, alongside the US President, the most important supporter of Ukraine. “The fact that the conference is taking place is already a success,” he said a few days before the summit began.

Emmanuel Macron: The French president gives Ukraine less money and weapons than Scholz. In return, he repeatedly causes a stir with his statements. The deployment of Western troops in Ukraine, he says, is not taboo.

Ursula von der Leyen: The President of the EU Commission has been lobbying for EU support for Ukraine since the Russian invasion. For Zelensky, she is an important ally.

Kamala Harris: The US Vice President is travelling from the USA on Air Force Two. The fact that she and not President Joe Biden is representing the USA is nevertheless one of the disappointments for Switzerland as host.

Who stays away – a selection

Wladimir Putin: The Russian president is not invited. Zelensky did not want him there under any circumstances. And Putin does not want to return the territories he illegally conquered to Ukraine. There will be no peace based on international law with Putin.

Xi Jinping: The Chinese head of state is Putin’s closest ally. The hope of being able to exert pressure on Putin through him was naive.

Lula da Silva: The Brazilian president also made his presence dependent on that of Putin and turned down Switzerland.

Narendra Modi: The Indian Prime Minister maintains good relations with both Russia and the West, travelled to Italy this week for the G7 summit – but still refused to make a detour to Switzerland.

Antonio Guterres: As Secretary General of the UN, he embodies law and justice for many. He has repeatedly criticized Russia and turned it against him. The fact that he is not at the negotiating table is a disappointment for Switzerland.

Mohammed bin Salman: The Saudi Crown Prince is considered a possible host of the next Ukraine summit. He maintains personal contacts with both Zelensky and Putin. But according to the guest list, he is only sending his foreign minister. Will Saudi Arabia still spring a surprise?

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