Ukraine talk at Maybrit Illner: “We want Ukraine to be free”

Ukraine talk by Maybrit Illner
“We want Ukraine to be free”

By Marko Schlichting

Poland wants to supply main battle tanks to Ukraine. This also increases the pressure on the federal government. They have to approve the delivery of “Leopard” tanks. It’s a matter of time, the guests on the ZDF program Maybrit Illner are sure on Thursday evening.

In Ukraine, the war has entered a new phase. Military experts speak of a war of attrition. The aim of both parties is to inflict the highest possible loss of material and human life on the respective opponent.

After the announced delivery of “Marder” armored personnel carriers to the Ukraine, the demand for battle tanks has now become louder. Poland’s President Duda promised delivery of 14 “Leopard” tanks. However, this requires a “whole series of formal requirements and permits,” according to Duda in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. Poland is also striving to form a coalition in which other countries should also supply main battle tanks.

This increases the pressure on the federal government. They have to approve the delivery of the German “Leopard” tanks. In Berlin, however, one reacts cautiously. It is unlikely that the federal government will back away from your no, they say.

In the ZDF talk show Maybrit Illner on Thursday evening, the guests discuss how likely it is that the federal government will give in – and how decisive battle tanks can be for the war. CDU foreign politician Norbert Röttgen assumes that the government will change its mind in the next few weeks. However, he is unsure whether this will happen before the Ukraine contact group conference on January 20 at the US airbase in Ramstein. Defense ministers and high-ranking military officers from various countries want to discuss further support for Ukraine there.

In any case, the SPD’s argument that Germany does not want to go it alone in supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine no longer applies to Röttgen. “The chancellor says he doesn’t want to because it doesn’t match his ideas about Russia policy. All other reasons are put forward,” says Röttgen bei Illner.

Armored personnel carriers currently no help

Conflict researcher Nicole Deitelhoff is concerned with another question. She doubts that the 40 “Marder” armored personnel carriers that are now to be delivered to Ukraine are decisive for the current course of the war. “We will again have a material device between the Ukrainian ground forces and the Russian enemy. This is urgently needed. But it will not be enough for the Ukrainians to be able to gain ground again. More is needed for that,” said the scientist. The “Leopard” tanks are not the solution for Deitelhoff at the moment. “They need an enormous amount of time before they are available and usable on the battlefield.”

For Norbert Röttgen, the priority is therefore “that we do everything so that Ukraine wins this war.” That’s why the discussion about arms deliveries doesn’t go far enough for Juso boss Jessica Rosenthal. For them, too, Ukraine’s war win is important. That is why, in addition to arms deliveries, she is also demanding humanitarian support for the country. She also brings up further tightening of economic sanctions against Russia: “I’m not sure if we’ve exhausted all of the sanctions,” she says.

Tanks important in the future

Former supreme commander of all NATO operations James Stavridis is convinced that tanks will help Ukraine – but not until spring. Then Stavridis expects a new major Russian offensive. “Tanks will make the task much easier for Ukrainians when they have to face these challenges,” he says.

Support for Ukraine with the MIM-104 Patriot air defense system is also important for Stavridis. These batteries could be supplied by the US and Germany and curb the Russian army’s air superiority. Stavridis: “The key is that we have to make an effort, that there are defensive options on the ground and in the air defenses for Ukraine.”

In addition, the former US admiral is in favor of the delivery of fighter jets to Ukraine. “I believe that over time, given the right tools, the Ukrainians will be able to move forward again. Our task must be to give the Ukrainians these tools so that they can eventually enter credible peace negotiations with more strength. We want, that Ukraine is free.”

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