Ukraine: the Council of Europe warns of the risk of refugee trafficking

The Council of Europe warned on Thursday against the risk for Ukrainian refugees fleeing the invasion of their country by Russia to fall into human trafficking networks, urging its member states to protect them “urgently“.

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The Council’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (Greta) warns “against the risk“that they”be victims of human trafficking and exploitation“, whereas “the flow of refugees in Europe has seen its largest increase since the Second World War“, indicates in a press release the organization for the defense of human rights. Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24,about three million people have been forced to flee Ukraine, to take refuge in neighboring countries and then across Europe“recalls Greta, according to which”90% of them would be women and children“. Despite the supportconsiderable» proposed by States and civil society in Europe, «the unprecedented flow of people poses significant logistical challenges for both public institutions and humanitarian organizations“, underlines the press release.

The “children fleeing Ukraine without parents“, in particular, would be targeted by traffickers, “and many of them are currently untraceable», Are moved the experts of Greta. Last Tuesday, EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson had already expressed concern about the fate of these children: “In these situations, we know that there is a very high risk for unaccompanied minors to be victims of criminals“, she warned the European Parliament in Strasbourg (eastern France). “People fleeing war are physically and psychologically weakened», «highly susceptible to falling prey to criminals“, underlines the president of Greta, Helga Gayer. “Urgent measures must be taken to strengthen coordination at borders and in reception structures“, she adds, calling on the authorities of the States concerned to “take steps to prevent fraudulent offers of transport, accommodation and work“.

Greta still insists on the “vulnerability“people forced to flee after”illegal annexationin 2014 from Crimea by Russia and by the conflict in Donbass. Their difficultiesare aggravated by the current (Russian) military offensive, which puts them at even greater risk of re-victimization“, worries the Greta.

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