Ukraine: the United States will supply controversial ammunition to kyiv, Moscow denounces “inhumanity”


Supplying depleted uranium ammunition to Kiev, included in additional $1 billion in aid announced by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, shows Washington’s “inhumanity”, Moscow blasted overnight Wednesday to Thursday. Visiting Kiev, Antony Blinken unveiled a new aid of one billion dollars to Ukraine, the Pentagon revealing from Washington a component providing for the supply of 120 mm depleted uranium ammunition intended for the American Abrams tanks promised to Kiev.

The main information:

  • At least 17 civilians were killed Wednesday in a Russian strike on a market in eastern Ukraine.
  • American Secretary of State Antony Blinken, on a surprise visit to kyiv, announced new aid from his country to Ukraine on Wednesday.
  • The south of the Odessa region was once again the target of a Russian nighttime drone attack.
  • The Ukrainian army has achieved a breakthrough in the Russian defense lines and is making progress in its counter-offensive against Moscow’s troops.

Russian Embassy in Washington condemns decision

These, capable of piercing armor, are controversial because of the toxic risks for the military and the population. On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, the Russian Embassy in Washington condemned this decision which, according to it, is “a clear sign of the inhumanity” of the United States. “Progress in the ongoing (Ukrainian army) counter-offensive has accelerated in recent weeks and this new aid will help give it new impetus,” said Antony Blinken, whose fourth visit to Ukraine since the beginning, in February 2022, of the Russian invasion.

“American aid is not charity. Today, thanks to our partners, Ukraine is curbing Russian aggression. We will never call for the deployment of American troops in Ukraine,” he said. to tell Antony Blinken his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kouleba.

Ukrainian counter-offensive “advances”, says NATO chief

The Ukrainian army has made a breakthrough in the Russian defense lines and is making progress in its counter-offensive against troops in Moscow, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday. “The Ukrainians are gradually gaining ground and this proves the importance of our support and also our capacity and willingness to continue to support them,” declared Jens Stoltenberg during a hearing before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. “We are talking about intense, difficult fighting, but they were able to break through the defense lines of the Russian forces, and they are advancing,” he said.

The Secretary General also made irony about the Russian army by recalling that it was considered, before its offensive against Ukraine in February 2022, as the “second strongest in the world”. “Today the Russian army is the second strongest in Ukraine…” he told MEPs in Brussels. Jens Stoltenberg explained the difficulties of the Ukrainian counter-offensive by the impressive defense system established by the Russian army. “Rarely in history have we seen as many mines on the battlefield as we see in Ukraine today, so it was obvious that this was going to be extremely difficult,” he explained.

But that doesn’t stop the Ukrainians from moving forward, “around 100 meters per day,” he added. Referring to Sweden’s accession to NATO, Mr. Stoltenberg said he hoped that Turkey would approve it “as soon as possible” after the start of parliament in Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave the green light to Sweden’s NATO membership at the Alliance summit in Vilnius this summer after blocking it for a year.

Odessa region targeted by new Russian drone attack

The south of the Odessa region was again the target of a Russian night attack by drones which notably damaged port infrastructure, local governor Oleg Kiper said on Thursday. This attack carried out with Iranian-made Shahed type drones against the Izmail district lasted “three hours”, declared Oleg Kiper, indicating that it was the fourth offensive on this locality in five days. “Civil and port infrastructure, an elevator and an administrative building were damaged,” he said, also mentioning a truck driver with minor leg injuries.

Since the abandonment in July of the cereals agreement which allowed Ukraine to freely export its production, Russia has increased its attacks in the southern regions of Odessa and Mykolaiv, where crucial ports and platforms for trade are located. on the Black Sea. The river port of Izmail, on the Danube, has thus become one of the main export routes for Ukrainian agricultural products.

For its part, the Ukrainian Air Force claimed to have shot down 25 Shahed drones during the night from Wednesday to Thursday out of the 33 sent “mainly” towards the south of the Odessa region. On Wednesday, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis called for the opening of “urgent investigations” after the discovery of debris probably belonging to a downed drone on Romanian territory. The debris was found in the vicinity of Plauru, a Romanian village located on the other side of the Danube opposite Izmail.

Russian strike on Ukrainian market kills 17

At least 17 civilians were killed Wednesday in a Russian strike on a market in eastern Ukraine during a visit to Kiev by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who sees “very encouraging” progress in the counter- Ukrainian offensive. The bombing in Kostiantynivka, a town in the Donetsk region, took place hours after Mr. Blinken’s arrival. He insisted that the United States remained “on the side of Ukraine” to which munitions containing depleted uranium, effective against tanks and other armored vehicles, will be supplied for the first time. , announced the Pentagon.

CCTV images show a quiet shopping alley when suddenly the whistle of a projectile is heard, followed by a very loud explosion. A survivor testified to AFP about the violence of the impact, which occurred at a time when the streets were very busy. “Everything was destroyed” and “the girls who were selling all died,” he said. Rescuers searched the debris and transported some injured people for treatment in front of charred vehicles and stalls. The Ukrainian government reported 17 people killed, including a child, and 32 injured.

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