Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 00:07 Kremlin spokesman: Russia does not want to divide Ukraine +++

According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Russia’s attack has no intention of dividing Ukraine. Rather, Moscow is striving for guarantees for its own security, the agency TASS quotes from an interview with Peskov on the broadcaster “Sky News Arabia”. Among other things, Peskov lists “the increasing influence of Nazi ideology” in Ukraine as a reason for the war effort. “We want to rid them (Ukraine) of this ideology.” In addition, the expansion of NATO infrastructure has increased in Ukraine, and Russia sees this as a threat to its security.

+++ 23:30 British TV crew shot at near Kyiv +++
A TV crew from British broadcaster Sky News has come under fire near Kyiv. As the correspondent reports on the Sky News website, his team came under heavy automatic weapons fire near a Ukrainian checkpoint while driving north-west of Kyiv. Both the reporter and the cameraman were hit, but thanks to their protective vests they escaped without major injuries. They were later told by Ukrainian soldiers that they had been fired upon by a Russian squad.

+++ 23:05 top official in the USA: There was no danger of a nuclear catastrophe +++
Despite the fire at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine, according to a top US government official, there was no risk of a nuclear catastrophe. “In this particular situation, there was never any danger of a nuclear catastrophe. But it is clear that things can quickly get out of hand,” US National Administration for Nuclear Safety Jill Hruby told CNN. She emphasizes: “It can escalate very quickly and it’s a bad idea, to put it mildly, to fight around a nuclear power plant.” Hruby says there was never a risk of a meltdown during the fighting at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant at Zaporizhia on Friday night. “The worst thing that happened last night was the takeover of the power plant and a fire and administration building.”

+++ 22:26 Macron announces proposals for nuclear plants +++
French President Emmanuel Macron wants to propose concrete measures “in the next few hours” to ensure the safety of the five Ukrainian nuclear plants. Macron is “extremely concerned” about the risks to nuclear security posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Elysee said. Both sides would need to reach an agreement to jointly ensure the “maintenance of the security” of these sites, the statement said.

+++ 22:14 Johnson: “Putin will now hit even harder” +++
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warns that the war in Ukraine could escalate. “Putin will now hit even harder because he sees no way out of the impasse other than the destruction, the rubble and ash of innocent European cities,” Johnson told the “Welt am Sonntag”. Johnson, however, rules out a no-fly zone brought into play by Ukraine. “The logic is that Russian planes are shot down. And you get caught up in a logic of confrontation.” Johnson calls on Europe to work on a common energy policy in order to no longer need Russian supplies.

+++ 21:56 Bombardier cuts ties to Russia +++
The Canadian aircraft manufacturer Bombardier is putting all activities with its Russian customers on hold. This includes all technical support, says the Montreal-based group. About five to six percent of his deliveries went to Russia. The company was most recently sitting on an order backlog of $12.2 billion.

+++ 21:45 Russia also restricts access to Twitter +++
According to a media report, the Russian authorities are restricting access to Twitter. This is reported by the agency Tass. However, Interfax reports that Twitter has been blocked. The media and telecommunications regulator Roskomnadzor had previously blocked the social network Facebook.

+++ 21:35 Baerbock sees “a man’s aggressive striving for power” as the only reason for war +++
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock underscores the responsibility of Germany and its allies to resolutely oppose the war of aggression against Ukraine ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “There was no reason for this war – apart from one man’s aggressive drive for power,” tweeted the Green politician. “But it’s not great when you attack weaker ones, bomb cities, let children die.” However, NATO cannot intervene in the course of the war, otherwise there would be a risk of “limitless escalation throughout Europe”. “We have to keep a cool head, as much as it breaks our hearts,” said Baerbock.

+++ 21:21 USA does not exclude import ban for Russian oil +++
In response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the US government has explicitly not ruled out a possible import ban on Russian oil. When asked about such energy sanctions after talks in Brussels, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “Nothing is off the table.” Every day, it is reassessed how the previous sanctions are being implemented and which additional steps are possible.

+++ 21:12 Moscow: high-precision weapons used +++
Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu is informing UN Secretary-General António Guterres about the goals of the “special military operation” in Ukraine, according to information from Moscow. Accordingly, Russia used high-precision weapons to disable the country’s military infrastructure. Shoigu also complains about the militarization of Ukraine, which has carried out a punitive action against the population in the south-east of the country. According to Shoigu, the Russian military is setting up “humanitarian corridors” in the areas it controls so that civilians can flee.

+++ 20:45 Melnyk demands Patriot air defense from Berlin +++
The Ukrainian ambassador in Berlin is demanding that Germany supply “heavy weapons” and Patriot anti-aircraft systems. “These weapon systems are on the list that we sent to the federal government yesterday,” Andriy Melnyk told Welt. One is now at a point where heavy weapons also have to be delivered. “Now a tank is also a defensive weapon for us,” said the diplomat. The federal government has so far made 1,000 rocket-propelled grenades and 500 anti-aircraft weapons available to Kyiv, and a further delivery is planned.

+++ 20:27 Selenskyj: “If we fall, Europe will fall” +++
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed tens of thousands of demonstrators in several European cities via a live link. In a short speech, he calls on the people who have gathered in Frankfurt, Prague and Tbilisi, among other places, to observe a minute’s silence for the victims of the war. At the same time, he is asking for more support for Ukraine and urgently warns of the consequences of the war: “If Ukraine doesn’t hold out, Europe won’t hold out either. If we fall, Europe will fall.”

Selenskyj calls on demonstrators in several large cities to observe a minute’s silence – and urgently warns Europe.

(Photo: dpa)

+++ 20:15 UN Security Council to discuss humanitarian situation +++
The United Nations Security Council will address the humanitarian situation in Ukraine again on Monday. It is still unclear whether a resolution drafted primarily by France to improve the situation will be put to the vote. According to information from Security Council circles, there are tensions between the western allies behind the scenes. It should also be about whether Russia is mentioned by name. Paris is reportedly opposed to prevent a Moscow veto that would derail the decision. The US, on the other hand, wants Russia to be named as an aggressor. The meeting on Monday is the seventh emergency meeting of the most powerful UN body in two weeks.

+++ 20:01 Borrell: “Looks like they want to destroy Ukraine” +++
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell denounces Russian attacks on civilian targets in Ukraine. “It looks like they want to destroy Ukraine,” says Borrell. The Russians would shell homes, schools, hospitals, and other civilian infrastructure. The humanitarian situation on the ground is getting worse and worse. To help local people, Borrell is calling for a humanitarian corridor and for Russian President Vladimir Putin to allow humanitarian aid into the country. The Red Cross currently has no access to the country. People need food and other basic things, according to the EU foreign policy chief.

+++ 19:44 Blinken does not expect the war to end quickly +++
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken does not expect the war to end any time soon. “This tragic aggression will not be over any time soon,” he says in Brussels. The US and its European allies must keep up their pressure on Russia until the war is over, Blinken continued.

+++ 19:30 Moscow authorities: Facebook blocked in Russia +++
The media regulator in Moscow blocks the social network Facebook in Russia. The Roskomnadzor authority in Moscow said it was a reaction to the shutdown of several Russian media pages on Facebook. Several independent media had previously been shut down or blocked.

+++ 19:21 “Nowaja Gazeta” deletes all reports about the Ukraine war +++
After the passage of a new Russian law that provides for high prison sentences for “false reports” about the army, the independent daily newspaper “Novaya Gazeta” deletes its coverage of the Ukraine invasion on the Internet. Information about the Russian invasion of Ukraine would be “removed” from the website and other online appearances. “We cannot endanger journalists in the current situation,” the editors wrote on Twitter. She also explains on Telegram that she wants to continue working “under the conditions of military censorship”. With the “Nowaya Gazeta”, Moscow is censoring the last important free newspaper in Russia. Independent radio station Echo Moskwy announced its closure on Thursday after being banned from broadcasting for its coverage of the invasion of Ukraine.

+++ 19:09 European Investment Bank accelerates million loan for Ukraine +++
In view of the Russian invasion, Ukraine is said to be able to get money from the European Investment Bank more quickly. In just a few days, the country will receive 668 million euros in emergency aid, according to the EIB. Ukraine was already entitled to the loans, but according to a spokeswoman, they were originally supposed to be paid out at a later date and spent on the agricultural sector and small and medium-sized enterprises. The money can now be used immediately for medical goods, food and fuel, according to the statement. EIB President Werner Hoyer also announced that the EIB intends to accelerate additional investments totaling EUR 1.3 billion.

+++ 19:04 Russia for meeting with Foreign Minister of Kiev in Turkey +++
Russian Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva Gennady Gatilov welcomes Turkey’s proposal to arrange a meeting of Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers there. Scheduling such a meeting during the diplomatic forum in Antalya between March 11 and 13 is a good idea, says Gatilov, according to the Russian news agency Ria.

You can read about previous developments here.

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