Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 01:16 Air alarm in Kiev and other regions +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 01:16 Air alert in Kiev and other regions +++

The Russian army launched numerous drones into Ukrainian territory in the evening. Air alerts are sounded overnight in several regions and in the capital Kiev. The Ukrainian Air Force also warns about ballistic missiles. Noises of explosions are reported from the western Khmelnytsky region.

+++ 00:20 Zelenskyj: The situation at the front has improved +++
According to Ukrainian President Zelensky, the situation on the front is better than it has been for three months. The reason is that Moscow’s troops stopped advancing after the capture of the eastern city of Avdiivka last month, Zelensky said in an interview with the French television station BFM. Ukraine has improved its strategic position despite the lack of weapons. However, the situation could change again if no new deliveries arrive. “We worked very efficiently against the Russian air forces. Our situation in the east has recovered. The advance of Russian troops has been stopped,” he added. The Ukrainian armed forces have shot down a large number of Russian aircraft and will continue to act decisively in the Black Sea, where Russian military targets have been repeatedly attacked.

+++ 23:29 Billions needed to rebuild destroyed science +++
The war damage in Ukraine is enormous: according to the UN cultural organization UNESCO, simply rebuilding the destroyed scientific infrastructure will cost billions. In a study, the organization estimates the costs to be the equivalent of around 1.1 billion euros. According to the information, more than 1,400 buildings and laboratories in more than 177 facilities were destroyed.

+++ 22:24 US secret services: Trade from China and Russia is increasing sharply +++
US intelligence agencies describe an increase in trade between China and Russia since the start of the Ukraine war. The corresponding Chinese exports of goods with potential military use have tripled since 2022, according to the US intelligence community’s annual threat analysis for 2024. Russia will need several years to recover militarily from the losses of soldiers and material in the war.

+++ 21:57 Stoltenberg refers to defense law in the Taurus discussion +++
In the debate about a possible delivery of German Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg refers to Ukraine’s right to self-defense. “We have to remember what is happening here: This is a war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine, and Ukraine has the right to self-defense enshrined in the United Nations Charter,” said Stoltenberg on the sidelines of a ceremony to accept Sweden into NATO. This means that NATO countries have the right to help Ukraine protect its right to self-defense.

+++ 21:46 Barley thinks the Taurus debate is “out of place” +++
The SPD’s top candidate for the European elections, Katarina Barley, criticizes the discussion about the delivery of German Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. “The debate within Germany gives the impression that Germany is not doing enough,” says Barley. Germany is by far the largest supporter country in Europe for Ukraine. “That’s why I think this debate is so misplaced.” Despite opposing opinions, Chancellor Olaf Scholz also spoke out against deliveries of German Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine among his coalition partners from the Greens and FDP.

+++ 21:40 Kharkiv: Civilians injured in attacks on villages +++
According to the governor of Kharkiv, Russia is firing on several villages and communities in the region. Four civilians were injured in the afternoon, including a 70-year-old woman, writes Oleh Syniehubov. The governor also reports damaged homes and Russian anti-aircraft attacks on one of the villages.

This photo from the front was taken on Sunday.  A Ukrainian soldier digs a trench at his infantry position in the Kharkiv region.

This photo from the front was taken on Sunday. A Ukrainian soldier digs a trench at his infantry position in the Kharkiv region.

(Photo: picture alliance / Anadolu)

+++ 21:29 Ukraine appoints Vatican ambassador +++
Ukraine has summoned the Vatican ambassador because of the Pope’s call to raise the “white flag” in the war against Russia. The Apostolic Nuncio Visvaldas Kulbokas was told during the conversation that Kiev was “disappointed” by the Pope’s words, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said. The statements could encourage Moscow to “continue to disregard international law.” The Pope should have “addressed the attacker and not the victim.”

You can read all previous developments here.

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