Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 01:54 Great Britain promises Ukraine anti-aircraft missiles +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 01:54 Great Britain promises Ukraine anti-aircraft missiles +++

The British government wants to deliver AMRAAM anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine for the first time. The missiles, which are capable of launching cruise missiles in conjunction with the US-promised NASAMS air defense system, are to be delivered to Ukraine in the coming weeks, the Defense Ministry said. In addition, London wants to deliver hundreds of other types of anti-aircraft missiles, 18 artillery pieces and hundreds of reconnaissance drones to Ukraine. “Russia’s indiscriminate strikes against civilian areas in Ukraine justify support for those who want to defend their country,” said British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace.

+++ 01:04 Zelenskyj asks for another 55 billion dollars +++
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is asking international donors for additional aid of up to $55 billion. In a video address to finance ministers at the annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), he says the money is needed to cover the expected budget deficit next year. In addition, another 17 billion would be needed to start rebuilding critical infrastructure. “The more aid Ukraine receives now, the faster the Russian war will end,” he says.

+++ 23:57 West celebrates UN vote against Russia +++
Western officials are hailing the UN General Assembly’s resolution against Russia’s annexations as historic. The German UN representation wrote on Twitter: “The international community has come together to defend the UN Charter. Unlike Russia, Ukraine is not alone.” The American UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield speaks of a “monumental day for the United Nations”. The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj was also full of praise: “The world has taken the floor – Russia’s attempt at annexation is worthless and will never be recognized by free nations.” US Secretary of State Blinken said: “Today’s impressive vote in the UN General Assembly is a powerful reminder that the overwhelming majority of nations stand with Ukraine – in defending the UN Charter and standing up to Russia’s ongoing war against the resolutely opposes Ukraine and its people.”

+++ 22:49 Poland on Druzhba leak: “Don’t jump to conclusions” +++
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki advises caution when speculating about the cause of the leak at the Druzhba oil pipeline. “You shouldn’t jump to conclusions from every breakdown,” Morawiecki told Polish radio. It is not yet clear whether it is a coincidence or an act of sabotage. The responsible authorities are in the process of examining everything carefully. “Many clues immediately point to the Kremlin, but we want to be very responsible and only then confirm suspicions.”

+++ 22:21 UN General Assembly condemns annexations of Moscow by a large majority +++
The UN General Assembly condemned the illegal annexations by Russia in Ukraine with an overwhelming majority. 143 of the 193 member states vote in the largest body of the United Nations in New York for a corresponding resolution – five countries vote against, 35 abstain. The decision is not binding under international law, but it shows Moscow’s clear international isolation.

+++ 22:10 Selenskyj: Ukraine has the strength to keep fighting +++
According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine has the power to continue the war against the aggressor Russia. “We have brave people, we have brave soldiers,” says the 44-year-old, according to a translation in a ZDF interview. “Nobody likes to lose, nobody wants to be seen as a loser (…) We can’t afford to lose, it’s a matter of survival for us.” “If we win, it’s a victory for the whole country and we want to achieve victory with as few casualties as possible,” said Zelenskyy.

+++ 22:00 G7 finance ministers pledge lasting support to Ukraine +++
The finance ministers of the G7 states once again pledge their continued support to Ukraine. “The G7 will continue to stand by Ukraine for as long as necessary,” the finance ministers declared after a meeting in Washington. The group of seven leading industrial nations will help Ukraine with short-term financing needs. The G7 states are calling on Russia to end its “unjust and brutal war” against Ukraine “immediately”. Finance ministers also say they have made “significant progress” towards a price cap on Russian oil and welcome Australia’s participation in the project. The oil price cap is intended to restrict Russia’s ability to finance the war against Ukraine. In addition, the global increase in energy prices is to be curbed.

+++ 21:41 US Chief of Staff: Russia deliberately injures civilians +++
US Chief of Staff Mark Milley has strongly condemned Russia’s recent missile attacks in Ukraine. “In the past few days, Russia has intensified its attacks on civilian infrastructure,” said after deliberations by the international Ukraine contact group, which coordinates arms deliveries to the country. “Russia deliberately attacked civilian infrastructure to hurt civilians. They targeted the elderly, the women and the children of Ukraine,” Milley said. “Indiscriminate and deliberate attacks on civilian targets are a war crime under the international rules of war.”

+++ 21:17 Zelenskyj calls for permanent working group on financial aid for Ukraine +++
The Ukrainian head of state Volodymyr Zelenskyj calls for a regular forum for financial support for his country. “It would be good to create a permanent working group that provides financial support to Ukraine and works promptly at different levels,” said Zeleneskyj at a roundtable on aid to Ukraine at the annual meeting of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in Washington. The Ukrainian President is connected via video. The format should be based on the so-called Ukraine contact group, which is primarily used to coordinate arms deliveries for the Ukrainian armed forces.

You can read earlier developments relating to the Ukraine war here.

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