Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 05:05 Kharkiv under fire at night +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 05:05 Kharkiv under fire at night +++

Explosions can be heard again overnight in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. The city near the border is being bombarded with rockets, writes Mayor Ihor Terekhov on Telegram. Nothing is known about any damage so far. The Ukrainian Air Force is also warning of Russian attacks with combat drones in the south of the country.

+++ 01:01 Zelenskyj: Replenishment logistics must become faster +++
Ukraine wants to improve supplies for its army. In his evening video address, President Zelensky reported that he had spoken to the heads of the military and the responsible ministries about supplying the units with ammunition and drones. “The main thing is that all logistics have to become faster,” said Zelensky. According to reports from the front, Ukrainian troops are suffering from a lack of ammunition. Given the frequent Russian airstrikes, there are also fears that anti-aircraft defenses are running out of ammunition. In the USA, as the most important supporter, the granting of new military aid is stuck in domestic political disputes. Zelensky is confident that the troops can be supplied with what they need despite such problems. “We also talked about opening new production lines for weapons and ammunition in Ukraine – in our companies and together with partners,” he says.

+++ 23:21 Statement published: 50 states disapprove of North Korea’s arms deliveries to Russia +++
A group of almost 50 countries condemns the delivery of North Korean missiles to Russia and their use against Ukraine. Germany and almost all European countries, as well as Canada, Israel, Australia, Japan and South Korea, have also joined a corresponding statement published by the US State Department. “The transfer of these weapons increases the suffering of the Ukrainian people, supports Russia’s war of aggression and undermines the international non-proliferation regime,” it said. The use of North Korean weapons by Russia affects the security situation in Europe, on the Korean Peninsula, in the Pacific region and throughout the world.

+++ 22:14 Lawyers without access: Thousands of Ukrainian civilians in Russian prisons +++
Russia is said to be holding thousands of Ukrainians in more than 30 prisons in the country and in the occupied territories. One says that these people are civilians and not prisoners of war Research by the Russian editorial team of the BBC. According to the research, these are people who were arrested by the military or security authorities after the Russian invasion. The arrests took place during “filtration measures” or simply on the street on suspicion of “protesting against the ‘special military operation,'” according to the research. Under Russian law, detainees cannot be held for more than 30 days without a court decision, the BBC reports. But the time, place and reason for the arrest of most Ukrainians were not recorded and there were no investigations against them, according to court decisions available to the BBC. The lawyers would have no access to these people. “These people cannot be found through official channels and, unlike prisoners of war, there are no mechanisms for their release.”

+++ 21:41 Ukraine cannot buy drones as quickly as domestic companies produce them +++
Ukrainian factories have ramped up the production of military drones to such an extent that Kiev’s procurement budget is no longer sufficient, explains Technology Minister Mykhailo Fedorov. Drones have become commonplace in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia because they can be manufactured en masse and inexpensively from readily available materials by both sides. “Today the market has grown much faster than the money to buy all the drones,” said Fedorov. “That’s why we need to increase financing and open markets further so that prices fall thanks to competition and the localization of parts [der Produktion] begins,” he continues. According to the minister, there are now around 200 companies producing drones in Ukraine, and around 70 local companies have signed contracts to supply drones to the state.

+++ 21:07 Crown rain for Kiev: Sweden makes millions available to Ukraine +++
Sweden is providing around 50 million crowns (4.46 million euros) for the NATO aid fund for Ukraine, writes the Swedish embassy in Kiev on X. The government will also provide 5 million crowns (almost 450,000 euros) each for Moldova and Georgia . The money will be used for the procurement of military equipment, demining, crisis management, cybersecurity and education, among other things.

You can read all previous developments here.

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