Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 05:14 Stoltenberg: West should guarantee Ukraine military aid of 40 billion euros +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 05:14 Stoltenberg: West should guarantee Ukraine military aid of 40 billion euros +++

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg is calling on the Allies to guarantee Ukraine military aid worth at least 40 billion euros annually. This is also about showing Russian President Vladimir Putin that he will not win his war of aggression against Ukraine, Stoltenberg explained after a meeting with the foreign ministers of the 32 NATO countries in Prague. The amount of 40 billion euros would roughly correspond to the annual support provided by the Allies since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

+++ 04:11 Russia fires cruise missiles in Western Ukraine +++
Russia is attacking Ukraine with drones and cruise missiles, and air raid warnings have been declared throughout the country. The regions in the far west are also affected. Explosions have been reported from Zaporizhia. In Vinnytsia, a drone is said to have caused a fire in a critical infrastructure facility. There are no reports of injuries so far.

+++ 02:03 Alleged Ukrainian shelling: Russia reports deaths +++
According to the head of the Russian-controlled city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, five civilians in the city and village of Luhanske outside Donetsk were killed by Ukrainian shelling. Denis Pushilin reported this on Telegram. Authorities in the Russian city of Belgorod reported that a Ukrainian drone hit a residential building in the city. The governor of the Belgorod region reported on Telegram that air defense shot down a new wave of aircraft over the region. There were no injuries.

+++ 01:02 USA extends suspension of tariffs on Ukrainian steel +++
The US will extend its temporary suspension of tariffs on Ukrainian steel for another year. “The Ukrainian steel industry continues to be significantly disrupted by the Russian Federation’s unjustified, unprovoked, unrelenting and ruthless war against Ukraine,” said US President Joe Biden. Washington initially suspended tariffs on Ukrainian steel for one year in May 2022 and extended this suspension in May 2023.

+++ 23:09 Kremlin declares women’s organization “Put Domoi” to be “foreign agents” +++
Russia classifies the women’s organization “Put Domoi” (“Way Home”), which campaigns for the return of mobilized Russian soldiers from Ukraine, as “foreign agents”. The Ministry of Justice in Moscow explains that the movement worked to convey a “negative image” of Russia and the Russian army and called for illegal protests. The wives and partners of soldiers deployed in Ukraine demonstrated for the return of their relatives in rare protests on Red Square in Moscow at the beginning of the year. For weeks, the women regularly gathered at the Kremlin wall and symbolically laid flowers at the grave of the unknown soldier.

+++ 22:16 Russian-American journalist remains in Russian custody until August +++
Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva will be held in Russian custody until at least August 5 before an investigation and trial. The editor of the US government-funded Radio Free Europe and the Tatar-Bashkir service of Radio Liberty was taken into custody on October 18. She was accused of failing to register as a foreign agent while gathering intelligence on the Russian military.

+++ 21:48 Selenskyj signs security agreement with Norway and Iceland +++
Volodymyr Zelensky completed a series of negotiations in Sweden and signed long-term security agreements with Norway and Iceland. Zelensky signed a 10-year agreement with Norway under which Oslo will focus on supporting Ukraine’s needs in the field of naval and air defense. Norway would be “open” to the Norwegian defense industry locating its production in Ukraine under the agreement. Iceland has also committed to a 10-year pact.

+++ 21:16 Swiss volunteer injured in Russian attack on Vovchansk +++
Russian forces attacked the village of Shestakov and the town of Vovchansk in Kharkiv region, injuring three people, including a volunteer from Switzerland, the region’s prosecutor’s office said. The Swiss volunteer had come to Ukraine to help evacuate people and animals from the combat zones.

+++ 20:41 China does not participate in Swiss peace conference on Ukraine +++
China will not attend a Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland next month. The reason for this is that the conference does not meet the expectations of the People’s Republic, which envisage the participation of both Russia and Ukraine, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced. The authority thus confirms an exclusive report by Reuters.

You can read all previous developments here.

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