Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 05:43 Ukraine: Russian advance in Vovtschansk stopped +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 05:43 Ukraine: Russian advance in Vovchansk stopped +++

The Ukrainians say they are stopping the Russian attack in the Kharkiv region in the city of Vovchansk. The front line currently runs along the Vovcha River, which divides the northern half of the city from the south, says the military governor of the Kharkiv region, Oleh Synyehubov, on Ukrainian television. The Russian military is unable to advance any further. “On the contrary, our soldiers are trying to retake this settlement house by house, street by street.” According to him, the Russian advance further west has also been slowed down.

+++ 04:55 Tusk: Russian spy ring busted in Poland +++
The Polish government has arrested nine members of a Russian spy ring in connection with suspected sabotage plots. This is what Prime Minister Donald Tusk told the Polish media channel TVN24. “There are currently nine suspects imprisoned and charged who are directly involved in acts of sabotage in Poland on behalf of Russian secret services,” said Tusk. The people are Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian citizens. Investigators suspect that they may have been recruited from criminal circles. The accused acts of sabotage included “beatings, arson and attempted arson”, not only in Poland but also in Latvia, Lithuania and possibly even Sweden. Tusk explains that the group planned, for example, to set fire to a paint factory in Wroclaw, western Poland, and an Ikea store in Lithuania.

+++ 03:30 Ramstein: German initiative does not bring Patriots for Kiev +++
A video conference of the Ukraine Contact Group brought no progress regarding Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s request. In the meantime, around ten countries are supposed to support the search carried out by Germany for further elements of the Patriots anti-aircraft defense system. But there are only promises for additional ammunition and spare parts, not for another anti-aircraft complex. Nevertheless, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin praises the German initiative.

+++ 02:10 Zelenskyj: Swiss peace summit will be “truly global” +++
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is hoping for the peace summit in Switzerland. This summit will be “truly global” and will include heads of state and government from all continents. However, Russia was not invited to the meeting. Despite being invited, China, which is said to have great influence on decisions in Moscow, has not yet decided whether it wants to send a delegation to Switzerland. The conference is scheduled to take place on June 15th and 16th near Lucerne.

+++ 00:40 Ukraine: Troop base in Luhansk hit +++
According to Ukrainian media, a base of Russian troops was also hit in the Ukrainian rocket attack on Russian-occupied Luhansk. Videos on social networks show heavy clouds of smoke, but also a burning multi-story barracks-style building. The Russian authorities on site do not provide any official information about the deaths and injuries. (See entry from 10:18 p.m.)

+++ 23:27 Selenkskyj pushes for two Patriots for Kharkiv +++
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky once again points out the urgency of anti-aircraft weapons for the attacked Kharkiv. Ukraine most urgently needs more air defense systems and Western fighter jets, says Zelenskyj in his daily video address. “Unfortunately, the free world lacks speed on these two issues.” Because of its air superiority, Russia could use glide bombs to destroy Ukrainian cities and defensive positions. According to him, the Russians actively used the destructive tactics on the front sections near Kharkiv, as well as in the Donetsk region in the direction of Chasiv Yar and Pokrovsk. Zelensky has already asked several times in the past few days for the delivery of two additional Patriot anti-aircraft systems.

+++ 22:18 Russia: Fires in Luhansk after Ukrainian attack +++
The head of the Russian-annexed Luhansk region in eastern Ukraine, Leonid Pasechnik, reports that a fuel depot in Dovzhansk was damaged by Ukrainian shelling and fires broke out in the town. The Ukrainian attackers used cluster bombs. Emergency services are on duty to prevent the flames from spreading to other buildings.

+++ 22:01 Putin: Russian energy sector is doing well despite sanctions +++
Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the development of the country’s energy sector during a meeting with government officials. “Despite sanctions and strong volatility in global and regional energy markets, the domestic fuel and energy sector is developing steadily,” Putin says, adding that the sector is opening up new export markets and fully meeting “growing domestic needs.” Putin says gas production volumes in the first four months of the year increased by 8 percent compared to last year, while indicators in the oil industry are “stable.”

You can read all previous developments here.

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