Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 06:07 Successful counterattack? Ukrainians claim to have captured Russian positions +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 06:07 Successful counterattack? Ukrainians claim to have captured Russian positions +++

According to the Ukrainian Azov Brigade, the Russian invaders have lost positions in the Serebryansk forest. This was reported on social networks by Svyatoslav Palamar, deputy commander of the 12th Brigade of the Azov National Guard. Nazar Voloshin, a spokesman for the Khortytsia group of troops, confirmed this: “The defense forces are also storming the enemy’s positions and repelling Russian defense lines and firing positions. We are also carrying out our counterattacks, occupying their firing positions at the tactical level and driving them out of their lines.” The Deepstate channel, which is close to the military, has also recently reported on advances. The front line of the Luhansk region is in the Serebryansky forest.

+++ 05:24 Head of the Conference of Interior Ministers criticizes citizen’s allowance payments to Ukrainian refugees +++
The chairman of the Conference of Interior Ministers, Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen, supports the call of his Bavarian counterpart to cut off the citizen’s allowance for able-bodied Ukrainian refugees in Germany. “It doesn’t make sense to talk about supporting Ukraine as best as possible and in the same breath supporting deserting Ukrainians,” the CDU politician told the German editorial network. Regardless of this, the decision to immediately pay citizens’ allowance to refugees from Ukraine “has proven to be a fundamental mistake,” Stübken continued. “The employment rate of Ukrainians is extremely low because citizens’ allowance has become a brake on people finding work.” The federal government must think about changing course.

+++ 03:55 Ukraine summit without US President – Biden has other appointments +++
It wouldn’t have been far from the G7 summit in Italy – but US President Biden did not travel on to the Ukraine conference in Switzerland like other summit participants. Instead, Biden is flying back to the USA, where he plans to fill his campaign coffers at a gala dinner with Hollywood stars such as Julia Roberts and George Clooney. Instead of Biden, US Vice President Kamala Harris is attending the Ukraine summit.

+++ 02:50 Von der Leyen: Peace must restore Ukraine’s territorial integrity +++
According to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the current situation on the battlefield must not be enshrined. “Freezing the conflict today while foreign troops occupy Ukrainian land is not the answer,” she said at the Ukraine summit in Switzerland. “It is a recipe for future wars of aggression.” Instead, the summit participants must support “a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace” for Ukraine. This must also restore Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

+++ 01:28 Providing first aid and stockpiling supplies: Latvians rehearse for emergencies +++
In Latvia, a nationwide civil protection information day was held with the title “Armed with Knowledge”. In 14 towns and communities, the population was able to learn in training courses how to act in crisis situations. Knowledge was imparted in first aid, how to prepare emergency supplies and how to deal with explosive objects, radiation or chemical hazards. The aim is to strengthen civil protection in light of Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. “We all have to do our responsibility, our contribution, so that we as a society, as a country and as individuals know how to behave in a crisis situation,” says Defense Minister Andris Spruds. It is important to inform the public what to do in the hour of need.

+++ 00:54 Selenskyj: Russia fires 3500 missiles at civilian targets every month +++
According to Ukrainian President Zelensky, Russia fires around 3,500 missiles at civilian targets and Ukrainian infrastructure every month. In an interview with Italian television channel Sky TG24, Zelensky said that the missiles were only used against civilian targets to force citizens to flee towns and villages in preparation for the Russian occupation. Russia is lying when it claims to only hit military targets.

+++ 23:23 Human rights activists: Russia changes names of abducted children +++
Ukrainian human rights activists accuse Russia of indoctrinating children abducted from Ukraine. Attempts are being made to erase their Ukrainian identity, says the head of the charity Save Ukraine, Mykola Kuleba. “The children are forbidden to speak Ukrainian or display any Ukrainian symbols. Children are severely punished if they refuse to sing the Russian anthem,” he says. The names and dates of birth of the children are changed by Russian authorities. Save Ukraine has so far brought back 373 children, says Kuleba. Many of them show signs of trauma. According to the government in Kiev, around 20,000 children have been abducted to Russia or to Russian-occupied areas since the war began. Russia denies the accusation of abduction and says it has brought vulnerable children from the war zone to safety.

+++ 22:12 Ukrainian investigators: Dead and injured by cluster munitions in the east +++
According to Ukrainian investigators, several civilians were killed and others injured in the east of the country due to the use of Russian cluster munitions. The Russian army shelled the village of Ulakly in the Volnovakha district, writes the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor’s Office. The Russians used multiple rocket launchers with cluster munitions and hit a residential area. Two men and one woman were killed and five other civilians were injured. write the investigators.

+++ 21:46 Sunak sharply criticises Russia’s supporters +++
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has sharply criticized Russia’s allies and supporters. “They are taking the side of the aggressor – and the wrong side of history,” Sunak said at the peace summit in Switzerland, according to British government sources. “Those who support Russia by supplying weapons of war or components for those weapons should look at today’s summit. They should look at Bucha, Mariupol and Kharkiv and think about their decision,” he said, referring to alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine. “Putin has no interest in real peace.” Russian President Vladimir Putin is making false statements about his willingness to negotiate, Sunak continued.

+++ 21:24 Saudi Arabia: Credible negotiations only possible with Russia +++
According to Saudi Arabia, credible negotiations on peace will require Russia’s involvement. Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud also said at the Ukraine conference in Switzerland that a roadmap to peace would require “difficult compromises.” Saudi Arabia is considered one of the leading candidates to host a possible follow-up conference.

+++ 20:51 Fight for positions: Ukrainians announce successes on the Eastern Front +++
The Ukrainian armed forces report successes on the Eastern Front in the area of ​​Klishchiivka and in the area of ​​Serebryansk Forest. The Ukrainian army reports that it has succeeded in driving the Russian troops from their positions on their Telegram pageThe success is attributed to the 12th Special Brigade Azov. Its deputy commander, Sviatoslav Palamar, announced on Facebookthat Russian troops had lost their positions in the Serebryansk Forest area.

+++ 20:16 Ukraine reports new attacks near Vovchansk +++
Despite the efforts of a large part of the international community to bring peace to Ukraine, Russian troops are continuing their attacks on various fronts. Supported by their air force, Russian units in the east of the country are again attacking in the area around Vovchansk, the General Staff in Kiev announced in its daily situation report this evening. Unusually strong Russian advances were also reported from the Pokrovsk region in southeastern Ukraine. Almost a third of the 74 Russian attacks of the day were registered there. All attacks were repelled, it was reported.

+++ 19:57 Scholz: Russia must be included in peace process +++
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is in favor of involving Russia in a peace process for Ukraine. “It is true that peace in Ukraine cannot be achieved without involving Russia,” said Scholz at the peace summit in Switzerland. At the same time, he called on Russia to completely withdraw from partially occupied Ukraine. “Russia could end this war today or at any time if it stops its attacks and withdraws its troops from Ukraine.”

You can read all previous developments here.

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