Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 06:14 Explosions in Petersburg “no terrorism” +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 06:14 Explosions in Petersburg “not terrorism” +++

According to the Russian army, the explosions in St. Petersburg (see entry 8:56 p.m.) at the Budyonny Military Academy were the result of an accidental detonation of ammunition from the Second World War. The state news agency Interfax reports that the incident occurred while soldiers were inspecting underground areas of the academy. St. Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov says the explosion is not related to “terrorism.”

+++ 06:02 Klingbeil hopes for China +++
SPD leader Lars Klingbeil continues to hope that China will agree to take part in the Swiss Ukraine peace conference. “It would of course be crucial for this peace conference that China sits at the table,” he told the German Press Agency. This also applies to India, Brazil and South Africa, three other “decisive players” who could use their influence on Russia. “Of course it would be a setback if these states weren’t there.” Even then, one cannot speak of a failure of the conference. “It’s never a failure if you sit down at a table and talk about ways to peace.”

+++ 05:43 Zelenskyj complains about the ban on the use of Western weapons +++
Ukrainian President Zelensky criticizes the restrictions on the use of Western weapons. Russia could fire all weapons from its territory into Ukraine. “This is the biggest advantage Russia has.” Ukraine, on the other hand, cannot use Western weapons to harm Russian weapons that are on Russian territory. Britain and the US have indicated in recent days that these bans could be relaxed.

+++ 05:10 Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief: Russian front near Kharkiv 70 kilometers long +++
Russian ground troops are continuing their offensive in the border area near Kharkiv that began a week ago, as Ukrainian army commander Olexander Syrskyj writes on Telegram. The Russian army has now widened this new front to around 70 kilometers. This should force the Ukrainians to deploy more brigades from the reserve. However, the enemy did not manage to break through the Ukrainian lines. Russia used air force, rockets, artillery and tanks in the attacks. Syrskyj sees an advantage for the Ukrainians in drones and more precise artillery fire.

+++ 03:35 Kiev: Attack on Kharkiv, first Russian wave +++
According to Zelensky, the Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region in northeastern Ukraine could be a “first wave” of Russian attacks. “They have launched their operation, it could consist of several waves. And this is their first wave,” he told AFP.

+++ 02:17 Zelenskyj: Ukraine needs 130 fighter jets +++
According to President Zelensky, Ukraine only has a quarter of the air defense systems needed to defend itself against Russia. His country also needs 120 to 130 F16 fighter jets to end Russian air superiority, he tells the AFP news agency. He also says the shortage of soldiers is also affecting the morale of the troops.

+++ 00:17 Power grid shot up: Zelensky calls for savings +++
In view of the damage to the Ukrainian power grid, President Zelensky is calling on citizens to save electricity. “Now what is needed is very rational, considered electricity consumption,” he said in the evening in Kiev. Municipalities and energy suppliers should provide information about why temporary power cuts are necessary. In his evening video message, he reported that he had discussed the difficult situation in the energy system of his country, which was attacked by Russia, with the government and military. “As a result of the Russian attacks, our energy sector has now lost a significant part of its production,” says Zelensky. Great efforts are needed to convert the energy supply so that it can no longer be damaged by Russia. He doesn’t give any details.

+++ 23:59 Ukrainians subject to military service abroad: Consulates reopened +++
Ukrainian men subject to military service abroad will be able to use consular services again once the new mobilization law comes into force. The prerequisite is that registration with the military authorities is proven on paper or electronically. The Foreign Ministry in Kiev announced this in the evening. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense set up an app with which registration is possible online. Because of the Russian war of aggression, hundreds of thousands of able-bodied men have also left Ukraine.

+++ 22:59 Russia freezes Unicredit accounts and assets +++
An arbitration court in St. Petersburg has frozen bank accounts and assets of the Italian bank Unicredit in Russia. The measure comes at the request of RusChimAllianz, a Gazprom subsidiary, to operate an LNG terminal on the Baltic Sea, Russian news agencies report. The background is the collapsed construction of the terminal due to Western sanctions, for which Unicredit had helped guarantee. RusChimAllianz wants 444 million euros from Unicredit. Assets worth 463 million euros are to be frozen. Unicredit is the largest active foreign bank in Russia after Raiffeisenbank and is one of the 20 largest banks in the country based on its balance sheet assets.

+++ 21:55 New law should allow Ukrainian prisoners to serve in the military +++
In order to increase the number of Ukrainian troops, certain prisoners should be able to be drafted into the army. President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a law allowing prisoners to suspend sentences and be called up for military service on a temporary contract basis. Only certain convicts are eligible. Inmates convicted of serious crimes are not allowed to report for military service.

+++ 21:36 Report: Ukrainian Starlink devices failed when the Russian offensive started +++
At the beginning of the Russian offensive in the Ukrainian region of Kharkiv, all Starlink devices of a Ukrainian military unit stationed there failed, according to a media report. As the Washington Post reported, citing members of the 125th Territorial Defense Brigade, the disturbances occurred on May 10, when Moscow’s units entered the border region. According to the sources, the failure of the satellite communication system is said to have facilitated the rapid territorial gains of the Russian troops. According to The Washington Post, Russian electronic warfare systems are responsible for the Starlink jamming. This is the first widespread failure of the satellite communications system in Ukraine since the Russian invasion began in spring 2022.

+++ 20:56 Explosion at the military academy in St. Petersburg +++
According to Russian media, there was an explosion in the Russian metropolis of St. Petersburg. The location is the Budyonny Military Academy, several media reports. State news agency RIA quoted local officials as saying a local resident reported an explosion at the academy. The Baza Telegram channel, which is linked to law enforcement, said seven people were injured.

You can read all previous developments here.

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