Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 06:35 Report: Germany orders hundreds of thousands of additional grenades +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 06:35 Report: Germany orders hundreds of thousands of additional grenades +++

The Ministry of Defense apparently wants to buy significantly more artillery ammunition than previously planned. The framework contract with the arms manufacturer Rheinmetall worth around 880 million euros is to be increased by at least 200,000 shells of 155 millimeter caliber, reports “Spiegel” from a letter from the ministry to the Bundestag’s budget committee. The shells will be used primarily for the Panzerhaubitze 2000. The order is intended to refill the Bundeswehr’s largely empty depots, it continues. The ministry also wants to ensure that Rheinmetall can set up a new production line for the artillery ammunition, which is in short supply worldwide, in Unterlüß, Lower Saxony. This will make Germany “more independent of global supply chains,” “Spiegel” quotes from the letter. According to the report, the framework contract for a total of more than two million artillery shells by the end of the decade is also intended for support in Ukraine. In recent months, Ukraine’s supporters have been desperately looking for artillery ammunition around the world.

+++ 06:07 Lavrov arrives in Guinea +++
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently arrived in Guinea as part of his ongoing visits to West Africa. These visits come against a backdrop of coups and growing discontent with traditional allies such as France and the United States, which appears to be prompting some countries to shift their alliances toward Moscow. Lavrov’s multiple visits to the African continent in recent years underscore Russia’s efforts to gain support or at least neutrality in the 54 African countries amid its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

+++ 05:34 Military administration: Russia attacks seven communities in Sumy +++
According to the regional administration, Russian forces attacked seven communities in the north-eastern Ukrainian region of Sumy during the day. At least 61 explosions were reported in the Sumy region over the past 24 hours. During the day, Russia attacked the border communities with mortar, artillery and drone strikes. Explosives and mines were dropped in several communities. In total, the communities of Yunakivka, Mykolaiv, Khotin, Bilopillia, Krasnopillia, Seredyna-Buda and Velyka Pysarivka were attacked. No casualties or damage to civilian infrastructure were reported.

+++ 04:09 Habeck defends change of course in Ukraine policy +++
Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck regrets that Chancellor Olaf Scholz did not implement his recent change of course in Ukraine policy earlier. “Everything we decided on could have been decided more quickly,” Habeck told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. At the same time, however, the Green politician defended Scholz against the accusation of hesitation. “Hesitation is the wrong word. Extremely difficult decisions have to be made and that is why it is good to weigh things up carefully,” said Habeck. “In this case, the right decision was made.” Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit informed on Friday about the Chancellor’s decision that Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, can now also fire weapons supplied by Germany against military targets in Russia.

+++ 02:14 Kyiv City Council refuses permission for Pride event in the metro +++
Kyiv City Council has denied permission for this year’s Kyiv Pride March, which is set to take place on the capital’s metro network “for security reasons,” it says. Event organizers said last week that registration for an “equality march” was open and hoped up to 500 people would attend the June 16 event on the metro network. No LGBT+ Pride event has taken place in Kyiv since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Last year’s event was held in Liverpool, England. “In order not to endanger participants and passengers and to avoid possible provocations, the city authorities cannot allow the equality march to take place on the metro,” Kyiv City Hall said in a statement on June 3. It added that the metro, which also serves as a bomb shelter during Russian airstrikes, is a “dual-use facility and part of the city’s critical infrastructure.”

+++ 00:49 Russia: 20 Ukrainian drones intercepted near Kursk +++
Russia says it has intercepted 20 Ukrainian drones in the south of the Kursk region on the border with Ukraine. The Ukrainian armed forces attacked four villages in his region with combat drones and helicopters, but there were no injuries, said the region’s governor, Alexei Smironov, on the short message service Telegram. Russian air defense units also shot down “several targets” in the Belgorod region, said the region’s governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov. The roofs of some houses were damaged.

+++ 23:35 Italy delivers second air defence system to Ukraine +++
Italy will supply Ukraine with a second SAMP/T air defense system. This is Italy’s response to a request from Ukraine, said Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani on the public broadcaster RAI. He did not specify a time frame. A first system was delivered jointly by Italy and France in 2023. In recent months, Ukraine has repeatedly called on its partners to provide more help with air defense. Russian forces are increasingly attacking Ukrainian cities and especially energy infrastructure. The system, also known as “Mamba,” is a French-Italian battery that can track dozens of targets and intercept ten at the same time. It is the only system manufactured in Europe that can intercept ballistic missiles.

+++ 22:20 Scholz: Change of course in attacks on Russian territory does not contribute to escalation +++
Chancellor Olaf Scholz sees no danger in his recent change of course in Ukraine policy. “We are certain that it will not contribute to an escalation because – as the American president has also described – it is only about defending a large city like Kharkiv, for example,” said the SPD politician in an interview with Antenne Bayern. “And I think it is clear to everyone that this must be possible.” The decision was “carefully made with our friends and allies.” The Chancellor stressed that prudence was required. “And the citizens of Germany can rely on that. I will not allow myself to be pressured into making a decision that is not right and that is not the right time.” What needs to be done politically is “not based on the next talk show appearance date, but on what can be done sensibly.” The Chancellor is repeatedly accused of being too timid and hesitant when it comes to supporting Ukraine and of allowing himself to be intimidated by Russian threats.

+++ 21:36 “Decisive advantage” – US Bradley makes short work of Russian tanks, according to Ukrainians +++
The 47th Mechanized Brigade is one of the most famous units in Ukraine, as it is often deployed on front lines where things are particularly hot. The brigade is equipped with Bradley infantry fighting vehicles from the USA, among others. “Modern technology and the skillful use of American equipment represent a decisive advantage on the battlefield,” the unit said at a press conference. Videowhich is said to show the elimination of two Russian BTR-82A infantry fighting vehicles and several Russian soldiers by a Bradley. “After waiting for favorable conditions, namely the moment when the enemy drove into open terrain, the ‘Bushmaster’ cannon stopped the equipment and eliminated the Russian terrorists,” the 47th Brigade writes about the clip:

You can read all previous developments here.

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