Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 08:51 Stoltenberg cancels visit to Berlin at short notice +++

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is not coming to Berlin today, according to the Defense Ministry. Meetings with Chancellor Scholz and Defense Minister Lambrecht were actually planned. Nothing is known about the reasons for the cancellation. According to their own statements, the Ministry of Defense does not know them either.

+++ 08:29 Warren Buffett’s son visits Zelenskyj in Kyiv +++
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy meets billionaire Warren Buffett’s son Howard Graham Buffett in Kyiv. Zelenskyy tweeted that he appreciated this signal of solidarity with Ukraine. Thank you for the humanitarian aid. They also talked about reconstruction projects. Howard Graham Buffett is the chairman of a charity named after him. According to the Washington Post, the foundation has already donated $11 million through the aid organization World Central Kitchen, which has gone towards food aid for Ukrainian families affected by the Russian invasion.

+++ 08:12 Putin show on TV is canceled again – “a back and forth” +++

+++ 07:37 Hackers play patriotic Ukrainian songs on Russian radio +++
Unknown hackers gain access to the program of the Russian radio station Kommersant FM. As BBC reporter Francis Scarr tweeted, the hackers interrupted a news broadcast and played patriotic Ukrainian songs and the song “We Don’t Need War!” of the well-known Russian band “Nogu Svelo!”. The editor-in-chief of Kommersant FM confirmed the incident to the Russian agency Tass. Technicians would examine him, trying to determine who was responsible for the attack.

+++ 07:15 Russia expert: “Putin wants to take revenge on the USA” +++
Russia expert and ex-ARD correspondent Udo Lielischkies sees revenge as the motivation for Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine. In the program “Maischberger” he says: “After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin developed a sense of revenge. He wants to take revenge on the USA.” In order to stay in power, he deliberately uses lies, he has pursued “politics with fear”. “And it works, because the West is afraid.” The West does not contradict its lies. “Lying and getting away with it is a show of power.”

+++ 06:42 Duda on talks with Putin: “Did anyone talk to Adolf Hitler like that?” +++
In the “Bild” interview – we have already quoted it – Poland’s President Duda compares Russia’s President Putin with Adolf Hitler. He criticizes talks with Putin and draws a parallel to the Nazi era: “Did anyone talk to Adolf Hitler like that during World War II? Did someone say that Adolf Hitler had to save face? That we should proceed in a way that it wasn’t demeaning is for Adolf Hitler? I didn’t hear such voices,” says Duda. He also complains that Chancellor Scholz and French President Macron communicate with Putin without the Ukrainian side being present: “In my opinion, there can be no agreement beyond the heads of the Ukrainian government.”

+++ 06:25 Selenskyj remembers the European Football Championship in Ukraine exactly ten years ago +++
In his evening speech, President of Ukraine Zelenskyy recalled that exactly ten years ago the European Football Championship was opened in Ukraine and Poland. “The games took place in different cities of our two countries, including in Donetsk at the Donbass Arena,” says the president. That was only ten years ago. “But you get the impression that it was in another world.” Ten years ago Donetsk was “strong, proud and developed”. “But then came Russia”. Only the return of Ukraine, the Ukrainian flag and Ukrainian law could mean normal life for the area and the city. “Life as it was. Peaceful, safe, open to the world. And, of course, new matches by world-class teams in the Donbass Arena.” Donbass Arena is the home stadium of Ukrainian club Shakhtar Donetsk. Several games took place here during the European Championship, including one of the semi-finals.

+++ 05:56 Poland’s President irritated by Scholz’ talks with Putin +++
Poland’s President Andrzej Duda criticizes the fact that Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are still in contact with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin despite the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. “I am amazed by all these talks that are being held with Putin, especially by Chancellor Scholz, by President Emmanuel Macron. These talks are useless,” says Duda in a “Bild” interview. Rather, they brought about “a kind of legitimacy for a person responsible for crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine,” Duda continued.

+++ 04:31 Zelenskyj envoy expects EU candidate status for Ukraine +++
After two days of talks in Berlin, the special envoy of the Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy for the prospect of EU membership is confident that his country will receive candidate status for the European Union. If the EU Commission makes a corresponding recommendation in the coming week, he assumes that the 27 member states will agree at their summit meeting on June 23rd and 24th in Brussels, says Regional Development Minister Oliksey Tschernyschow. He then also expects approval from Germany. “As we understand it, they will not stand in the way if the report (of the EU Commission) is positive.”

+++ 03:11 security experts: Russia is doing poorly in cyber warfare +++
So far, Russia has had far less success with digital warfare methods in Ukraine than many had expected. Cybersecurity experts expected devastating, large-scale cyberattacks on Ukraine, says the head of Poland’s National Cybersecurity Center, Karol Molenda. But Ukraine was prepared and “withstood the attacks of Russia”. Russia appears incapable of “waging coordinated cyber and kinetic warfare,” according to Lithuanian cybersecurity chief Colonel Romualdas Petkevicius. There is cyber activity all over Ukraine right now, “but I don’t think it’s very well planned.”

+++ 02:27 Ukraine is hoping for billions in revenue from electricity exports to the EU +++
Ukraine wants to earn 1.5 billion euros from electricity exports to the European Union by the end of the year. That explains the adviser to the Ukrainian Minister of Energy, Lana Serkal. Ukrainian power lines are prepared to supply electricity to Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. On Tuesday, the EU approved electricity imports from Ukraine.

+++ 01:33 Two Britons and a Moroccan face the death penalty in the Donetsk court +++
Two Britons and a Moroccan who fought on the side of Ukraine and were captured face the death penalty, according to the Russian news agency RIA. The agency is circulating video footage of the trial in a court in Donetsk region, which is under the control of Russia-backed separatists. RIA quotes prosecutors as saying all three men could face the death penalty. The British Foreign Office says the prisoners are being used for political ends.

+++ 00:41 No planes – Russian airline stops plans for cheap subsidiary +++
Russia’s largest private airline has put plans for a low-cost carrier on hold due to a lack of planes. S7 reports that the machines ordered for the low-cost subsidiary called “Citrus” will not be delivered this year. “Therefore, the development of the airline with this business model is unfortunately not possible at the moment.” A decision on the future of the entire project should be made by the end of the year. Aircraft supply and maintenance has also been affected by Western sanctions against Russia after invading Ukraine. In addition, Russian airlines are currently unable to fly to destinations in Western Europe and the USA.

+++ 23:57 Ukraine reports four civilians killed in Donetsk +++
According to the authorities, Russian troops have killed or injured several civilians in attacks on Ukrainian locations. Donetsk Oblast Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko blames Russia for four dead and five wounded in the government-held part of the region in the east of the country. “The situation remains difficult. The front line is under constant fire,” says Kyrylenko. The Ukrainian army speaks of seven repulsed Russian attacks in the Donbass. 31 fighters were killed and several armored vehicles were destroyed. The Russian military destroyed about 20 houses as well as two schools and a train station when shelling Ukrainian locations. The information cannot be independently verified.

+++ 23:20 Guterres sees “unprecedented wave of hunger” rolling +++
UN Secretary-General António Guterres warns that the effects of the Ukraine war on global food and energy security will worsen rapidly. “The impacts of the war are food security, energy and financial, they are severe and they are accelerating,” said Guterres, presenting the second UN report on the aftermath of the war. According to the report, around 1.6 billion people worldwide have been affected by the effects of the war. Guterres warns of an “unprecedented wave of hunger and poverty” that could lead to “social and economic chaos” in parts of the world. While the lack of access to food is currently the cause of nutritional crises, there is a risk of a “shortage of food” in itself for the following year. “There is only one way to stop this brewing storm: the Russian invasion of Ukraine must end,” Guterres said.

+++ 22:30 cars without airbags: Lada factory in Russia is working again +++
After a break of several months, the Russian automobile manufacturer Avtovaz is resuming limited Lada production. “On June 8, 2022, Avtovaz AG started delivering vehicles again – the first Lada Granta Classic 2022 rolled off the assembly line,” the company writes in a press release. For the time being, the workforce should only work four days a week. The range is also limited because of the sanctions. Until recently, Avtovaz belonged to the group of the French car group Renault, but has now been nationalized again by Russia. Because of Western sanctions, many previously imported spare parts are no longer available. Therefore, the cars are only available with limited equipment. According to media reports, the Ladas will in future be delivered without ABS and airbags and the electronic emergency call system “Era Glonass”.

+++ 22:00 Zelenskyj: Many Russians fell in Sievjerodonetsk +++
According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian defenders of Sieverodonetsk inflicted heavy losses on the Russian attackers. It is a very fierce and difficult battle for the city, he says in a speech. The fate of the Donbass, i.e. the east of Ukraine, will be decided here in many respects.

You can read earlier developments of the Ukraine war here.

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