Ukraine: why do Russian generals fall on the battlefield?

Is the Ukrainian army repelling the enemy? For several days, the Russians have not advanced and have even suffered several counter-attacks from Ukrainian soldiers. East of kyiv, the Russian army would have retreated about thirty kilometers, according to American intelligence. A month after the start of the war, the front is almost frozen, in particular because of tactical setbacks on the part of Moscow.

Logistical deficiencies, supply problems and human losses… The obstacles are multiplying for the Russian army. According to some sources, between 3,000 to 15,000 Russian soldiers were killed. The Kremlin counts 500 dead soldiers and has confirmed the death of two generals. For its part, kyiv communicates on the death of six Russian generals. But why does the Russian army lose senior officers in combat?

Generals in contact with the combat zone

According to a senior officer, these losses are a sign of a dysfunction in the chain of command. Russian generals are forced into the field to give orders and make sure they are understood. One of the characteristics of high intensity warfare is that the battle kills at all ranks. During the wars of 14-18 and 1940, 55 French generals died in combat.

General Wetcan, former HRD of the Army, also sees the obligation to remobilize the troops, a month after several tactical failures: “The morale must necessarily be a little damaged. In these moments, the generals have to go into contact and therefore inevitably, by getting closer to the combat zone, there is a greater vulnerability for the command posts, which become more identifiable targets. artillery.”

Change of strategy for the Russian army

However, the Russian army changes its strategy. According to our information, Western intelligence services are observing major maneuvers by the Russian army to secure the Russian rear lines. These maneuvers are characterized by fuel supply movements, ammunition reloads and the evacuation of wounded.

Thus, the Russian army focuses on the incessant bombardment of urban areas to regenerate its forces. In Paris, the authorities expect the Kremlin to order the relaunch in a few weeks of a massive offensive in Ukraine.

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