Ukraine wins the Eurovision Song Contest

DUkraine won the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. The Kalush Orchestra won with the hip-hop song “Stefania”. This fulfilled the expectations of many observers that the television audience would send a sign of solidarity in the midst of the Russian war of aggression. Germany ended up in last place at the singing competition in Turin, Italy on Sunday night.

The TV viewers were decisive for the victory of the Ukrainians. As always, the public could vote for the winner, but not for their own country. Half of the points come from national expert juries. The judges had chosen songs from other countries at the top. Since the Ukrainians got 12 points from the audience from almost all participating countries – the average was 11.3 – they ended up with 631 points well ahead of the British singer Sam Ryder (“Space Man”), who got 466 points.

As political as it hasn’t been for a long time

In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this year’s Grand Prix was more political than it had been for a long time. Russia had been excluded from the ESC because of the war.

At the end of their highly acclaimed performance, the Ukrainian musicians called on the world community for support. Singer Oleh Psjuk said on stage: “I ask all of you: Please help Ukraine, Mariupol, help Azov stal – right now”.

According to the rules, “texts, speeches and gestures of a political nature” are explicitly forbidden on the ESC stage. However, the organizers expressed understanding. “We understand the strong feelings when it comes to Ukraine these days and consider the statements made by the Kalush Orchestra and other artists in support of the Ukrainian people more as a humanitarian gesture than as political,” a spokesman for the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) told dpa -Inquiry.

Tears from the news anchor

In Ukraine, the victory of the band Kalusha Orchestra at the Eurovision Song Contest in Turin was greeted with euphoria. “This is our common victory for our Ukraine. This is a victory in memory of everyone who perished,” said the moderator of public television, Timur Miroshnychenko, on Sunday night, referring to Russia’s war of aggression against the country. “We’re winning on the musical front and…” said the presenter, then his voice broke and he cried.

It is unclear whether Ukraine can really host the ESC next year. No ESC could currently take place in Ukraine because of martial law in the country. This means that no major events are permitted; and nightly curfews apply.

Contributions from 25 countries

Artists from 25 countries took part in the more than two-hour show. According to some observers and ESC connoisseurs, this year’s line-up of country, pop, techno and rock songs as well as ballads was one of the strongest in recent years with professional performances and strong singing voices.

Germany once again ended up at the bottom. The 24-year-old Malik Harris from Bavaria got the last of the 25 places for his song “Rockstars”. Last year, Germany came second to last with Jendrik and “I Don’t Feel Hate”. The Federal Republic has won the ESC twice so far: in 1982 with Nicole (“A little peace”) and in 2010 with Lena (“Satellite”).

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