Ukrainian tries to sink Russian billionaire’s yacht in Spain

War between Ukraine and Russiacase

In Majorca, a Ukrainian sailor tried to scuttle the ship where he was working on behalf of Alexander Mikheev, Russian boss of an armament company.

“I don’t regret anything I did and I would do it again.” In Port Adriano, on the island of Majorca, D. Taras O., a 55-year-old Ukrainian, faces the Spanish police. The local daily Ultima Hora tells the story of this man who is accused of having tried to sink the yacht on which he is a mechanic, the Lady Anastasia.

The reason: the owner, and therefore his boss, would be a Russian billionaire, Alexander Mikheev, boss of the arms company Rosoboronexport – the Spanish media Diario de Mallorca points out that it has supplied Russian-made products for military and civilian use to 122 countries around the world, for a total amount that exceeds 180 billion dollars.

The mechanic retraces the sequence of events: “This Saturday, at the break, I watched the news on the war. There was a video of a helicopter attack on a building in Kiev. The armaments used are produced by the shipowner’s company. They were attacking innocent people.”

Two hours after seeing the video, tell the Ultima Hora, the man who saw red came back on board with the intention of taking revenge against his Russian boss, causing only material damage. Other crew members tried to reason with him, told him he was crazy, to which he retorted that they too were Ukrainians.

“Once on the ship, he opened a large valve in the engine room and a second in another compartment where the crew lives [permettant à l’eau de pénétrer dans le navire, ndlr]. He closed the fuel valves and cut the electricity so that there were no leaks,” describe the Ultima Hora. the Lady Anastasia, boat 48 meters long and worth 7 million euros, would ultimately only “partially sunk”, the other sailors having succeeded in plugging the waterways in time, reports the daily El Pais.

When the police arrived, the man immediately denounced himself and explained to them that “the owner of this ship is a criminal who makes his living selling weapons and [que] now they are killing Ukrainians”. If the Spanish justice charged D. Taras O. on Sunday, it released him. Authorities have yet to confirm the identity of the owner.

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