ultra promising new gameplay, it sells dreams

Highly anticipated release on April 26 exclusively on PS5, Stellar Blade can still be discovered through new gameplay extracts.

In addition to the first State of Play of the year, Stellar Blade gameplay was highlighted via various excerpts shared on social networks. And suffice to say that the South Korean studio Shift Up has produced work that makes our mouths water! Fans of Devil May Cry or even NieR Automata are likely to appreciate it in any case.

Stellar Blade’s highly acrobatic gameplay is on full display

It will now be five years since the PS5 exclusive Stellar Blade was presented to us for the very first time. Then called Project EVE, the title intrigued by its extremely agile female protagonist in an ultra futuristic universe. On X (formerly Twitter), the user Okami13 has shared new extracts highlighting a combat system which promises to be as spectacular as it is technical.

This should indeed give pride of place to complex combos to achieve, for a very satisfying result with the controller in hand and on the screen. We can say that Eve is a true dancer of death. In this sense, it offers a superb ballet of blades and attacks, each as acrobatic as the next. However, melee is not the only string to her bow, since she also has ranged attacks. Fans of long-range combat will be served, with weapons ranging from pistols to laser cannons that will burn our retinas.

Like an air of Devil May Cry/NieR Automata for the gameplay of Stellar Blade?

We were talking to you about the first State of Play of the year 2024 and it finally told us more about the universe of Stellar Blade. A universe that was reminiscent of that of NieR Automata. Forced to flee Earth, Humanity relies on a few elite fighters to defeat an extraterrestrial threat. The connection with this masterpiece from Square Enix and Platinum Games clearly does not end there. Eve’s agility and power also remind us very strongly of 2B’s. We even find some inspiration from Bayonetta or even Dante from Devil May Cry.

All this to say that the gameplay of the PS5 exclusive Stellar Blade seems to have been the subject of great attention on the part of the Korean studio Shift Up (it’s the same for Eve, the main character, but it That’s another story…). The latest gameplay clips only tell us one thing: the game promises to be Dantesque!

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