Un Si Grand Soleil: a character “hated” by the public will make a comeback

While we thought he was behind bars, this character who marked viewers will reappear next week in a new plot. To the great despair of Claire, who will feel in danger again…

Previously in Un Si Grand Soleil, Claire (Mélanie Maudran) had slammed the door of the hospital where she worked under the direction of Janet (Tonya Kinzinger), pushed to the limit after denouncing what she thought was a medical error.

During this ordeal, she had been able to count on the support of her colleague Hélène (Sophie Le Tellier). But little by little, the latter’s friendship became more intrusive, more intrusive… Before Claire understood that Hélène, psychologically disturbed, had manipulated and kidnapped her because she had fallen in love with her. To the point of making him suffer an attempted sexual assault after pouring GHB in his drink at a party.

Hélène now sent behind bars awaiting trial, Claire had been able to resume the course of her life and save her relationship with Florent (Fabrice Deville). But it was without counting on the fact that Hélène had found an excellent lawyer in the person of Maitre Levars (Laurent Frattale), determined to prove that his client was not responsible for her actions because of the taking of treatment for high blood pressure.

To her great misfortune, Claire will see Hélène reappear sooner than expected. In the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast on Tuesday, June 21, Levars will indeed inform his client that following his latest analyzes invalidating the fact that his treatment has upset her psychologically, he will ask for a no -place and his immediate release. Hélène could thus return to work at the hospital… Even though Claire resumed her duties there a few weeks earlier, believing herself to be rid of her.

On hearing the news, Claire will collapse and feel alone against everyone, firmly believing in a manipulation of justice on the part of the lawyer. But she will not be at the end of her troubles…

In a recent interview, Sophie Le Tellier told Allociné that Hélène would then set her sights on another surprising character. “IThey made me live a love story with someone… but I won’t say who.“And when Claire learns who Hélène has fallen in love with, “I can tell you that it will not calm their relationship!” she augured to Télé Star. “On hates me! I piss people off a lot“, she laughs.

Does Hélène really suffer from a psychological disorder, or does she take malicious pleasure in torturing the nurse? Response next week on France 2, while the daily series resumes on Monday June 20 after a three-week hiatus due to the electoral calendar.

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