Un Si Grand Soleil: Alex again confronted with Gaëlle

Incarcerated after an assassination attempt, Gaëlle Lestrac (Hélène Degy), a former cop, will again be talked about in the soap opera, on the occasion of a request for a remission of sentence. Alex, her former companion, will he be lenient towards her?

Friday March 25 in Un Si Grand Soleil, viewers will find a character very familiar to those who have followed the series since its inception. Indeed, the actress Hélène Degy (L’Archer noir) will return to the daily newspaper of France 2 in the guise of Gaëlle Lestrac, ex-cop who had joined the Montpellier police station in 2018 to accomplish a dark revenge there: attempt to assassinate Jo Réal (Valérie Kaprisky), whom she held responsible for the death of her father twenty years earlier.

Subsequently sentenced to prison for the murder of André Faure, collateral victim of her plot, Gaëlle, who had had a brief and intense love affair with Alex (Benjamin Bourgois), had subsequently tried to make amends to her ex-boyfriend by providing him with information on the prime suspect in a shooting. The accused was then returned to rot in the cell until further notice.

But on the occasion of a new plot which starts this Friday at 8:45 p.m. on France 2 (Thursday’s episode being canceled due to the political program Elysee 2022), Gaëlle will again appear in Un Si Grand Soleil.

While she is making a new request for remission after three years of imprisonment by asking Alex to write a letter in her file to plead her case, her fellow prisoner, a certain Pauline, will ask for her help to cover her up. as she plots an escape attempt.

Cautious about her remission, Gaëlle will refuse. But the letter from Alex, inclined to help him but remaining distant, will not have convinced him, and his request is rejected. She will then agree to help Pauline, and the two prisoners will develop a plan to escape from prison… Will Alex go after his ex-companion?

Un Si Grand Soleil: Gaëlle will “try to redeem herself” according to Hélène Degy

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