Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Friday, February 25, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”… While Mo finds herself alone after Enric leaves, the owner of his new apartment fails her. For their part, Claire and Florent make a new offer for the house.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast Friday evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Friday, February 25 in Such a big sun…

Enric moves in with Gary

Enric leaves Mo’s apartment with his belongings, ready to move into new accommodation. After saying goodbye to Inès and offering to have dinner with her the next day, Enric bursts into tears alone in his car.

At L Cosmétiques, Gary gets carried away like Laurent, who has to check new elements on the solvency of the customer who is about to order their products for €300,000. He wants the accountant to go faster for fear that he will backtrack, to which Laurent replies that he has spent his last three evenings at the office to work on the file, and sends him packing.

Gary then surprises Enric on the phone with the owner of the furnished apartment in which he was about to move. The latter failed him, and the apartment is no longer available. Enric finds himself on the street. Distraught, he considers renting a hotel room temporarily. Gary then offers to put him up until he manages to turn around. Eric accepts.

For her part, Mo, who was thinking of spending the evening with Inès, finds herself alone after her daughter stands her up to go out with a boy. But as she glumly pours herself a glass of wine, the doorbell rings: it’s David and Lucille, who have anticipated her first solo evening by bringing her dinner. Mo is delighted and thanks her new friends for their initiative.

Claire decides to become a liberal nurse

Florent and Claire have an appointment with the real estate agent in order to make an offer on the house with swimming pool for which they fell in love. Claire is determined despite her recent resignation, and then makes a purchase offer of 10% less on the sale price. Florent is taken aback but does not contradict her. Thinking that they were going to stick with their initial request for a 5% discount, the agent is surprised and warns them that the seller might refuse such a discount.

Back home, Claire receives a call from Hélène: the nurse has heard of a position becoming available in a hospital ward. She knows the chef well and offers Claire to put them in touch. But Claire no longer wishes to return to the hospital, and announces to her ex-colleague that she has decided to become a liberal nurse. Surprised, Hélène warns her about the difficulties she risks encountering, but Claire is confident.

In the evening, Florent receives a phone call from the real estate agent: the owner of the house has accepted their offer, and the house is theirs. Claire and Kira explode with joy. For his part, Enzo is not yet aware because he works at the Savages. His mother Sabine came to dine with his grandmother Claudine at the restaurant.

He overhears their lively conversation by bringing their order: Claudine overwhelms Janet with reproaches, accusing her of having fired Claire. Enzo replies that she is wrong, because it was Claire who wanted to resign. But Claudine is formal: Janet is a manipulator.

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