Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Friday May 31, 2024 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”… Thaïs will have a revelation that could change her future. Faced with a suspect who is difficult to pin down, Becker and producer Picard could well prove to be particularly inventive.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast Friday evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

Friday May 31 in Un si grand soleil…

Thais discovers a new vocation

Thaïs goes to the police station to confront Arnaud. The girl is uncomfortable. Arnaud swears to Thaïs that he really loved her and he asks her forgiveness. Thaïs replies that there is no forgiveness and advises him to seek treatment because he is ill.

Arnaud tells him that he regrets what he did but Thaïs has difficulty looking him in the eyes. At the end of the confrontation, the young woman confides to Manu that she did not think it would be so difficult.

She wonders how she managed not to realize that Arnaud had psychological problems. Manu advises him to keep moving forward and try to take his mind off things. Thaïs thanks Manu for saving her life. The policeman replies that he just did his job. As she leaves the police station, she sees a recruitment poster to join the police.

At high school, Thaïs meets Sabine to talk about her direction after the Baccalaureate. The young girl explains to him that she has thought a lot about it. If she doesn’t get a STAPS degree, she would like to study law.

Sabine then advises him to think about a third option. Thaïs explains to him that she would like to become a police officer. After everything that happened to her, she realized that it was a really useful profession. She has even already inquired about training. Sabine advises him to continue to find out more to be sure that he really likes the job. But Thaïs is convinced that this will be the case.

For his part, Arnaud is brought before Judge Alphand. Cécile indicts him for murder in an organized gang over a natural ascendant. He faces a sentence of life imprisonment with a period of security and he is excluded from his father’s estate for unworthiness. She informs him that he is also indicted for attempted murder of Thaïs. Arnaud remains silent.

The police are trying to catch Joussan

In the early morning, Alain and Clément take their traditional bike ride. Clément notices that his friend is back in shape. The latter recognizes that things are much better with Elisabeth since she forgave him for his infidelity and that, for his part, he accepts her absences. He advises Becker to tell Janet the truth about his infidelity with Claudine. But Clément is afraid of causing his relationship to explode.

Summoned to the police station, Baptiste Joussan answers Yann’s questions in the presence of his lawyer, Serge Levars. He confirms having had a relationship with Camille Grignac, but it only lasted a few weeks.

In his eyes, it was a story with no future. He then hopes that nothing happened to his former employee. Yann informs him that she has filed a complaint against him for rape. Baptiste feigns indignation and affirms that their relations were consensual.

Yann emphasizes that this is not the first time that a woman has filed a complaint against him. Maître Levars reminds the lieutenant that these complaints filed against his client were never successful. Yann replies that he has an impressive pedigree. He tells her that he faces 15 years of criminal imprisonment, or even 20 years in the event of aggravating circumstances, which is his case since he was the victim’s employer.

Levars then defends his client and explains that the complaints were filed by rejected women who resented the fact that he did not want to get involved with them. He adds that his client has a comfortable financial situation, he attracts interested women. Yann deplores his lack of class regarding his defense.

Leaving the police station, Levars warns Joussan: he risks ending up in prison. He then asks her if any witnesses can support Camille’s statements. He remembers that one of his brokers saw them arguing but he is certain that he will not testify against him.

A little later in the day, Becker takes stock with Elise and Clément. He explains to them that all the complaints against Baptiste have been withdrawn by the complainants. He then gives Elise the list of all the possible victims.

Yann then recounts his interrogation. He points out that he has never seen someone so full of himself. He finds him smug and authoritarian. Becker reminds him, however, that that doesn’t make him a rapist. Elise intervenes to say that she believes in Camille.

Clément then asks them to find evidence to arrest Joussan. Elise emphasizes that false testimonies regarding sexual violence represent only 2% of cases. She is annoyed that the victims’ words are being questioned.

A few hours later, Elise goes to meet Laura Pasquier, a former victim of Baptiste, to talk to her about the complaint she filed a few years ago. The policewoman explains to him that they need testimony to move forward with a rape investigation. Laura replies that this story is behind her. She wants to move on.

Elise insists, and manages to convince her to tell him what happened. Laura explains to him that she worked as a broker in one of Baptiste Joussan’s agencies. He behaved inappropriately towards her and made allusions. One day, he tried to attack her in the photocopier room.

Laura then filed a complaint but was harassed. She received anonymous phone calls, found her tires slashed and the person sent edited photos of her in compromising situations to her family and co-workers.

Convinced that it came from Baptiste, she preferred to withdraw her complaint to put an end to it. Shocked, Elise encourages Laura to file a complaint again but the young woman refuses to go through all of this again. The policewoman understands her reaction but leaves her her phone number in case she changes her mind.

At the police station, Becker informs Picard that they have nothing against Joussan. The prosecutor then has an idea: to make Joussan believe that the investigation has stalled, or even that it has been buried, in this way, he will think that he is out of trouble.

But at the same time, they will continue to investigate as discreetly as possible by questioning his relatives and collaborators, and also by wiretapping him. Picard is convinced that Joussan will make a mistake. He specifies, however, that Camille Grignac and her lawyer should not be taken into confidence. Becker then informs Yann and Elise of the prosecutor’s plan.

In the evening, Johanna asks Yann if the investigation into Joussan is progressing. Yann reminds him that he cannot talk to him about his current affairs. Faced with her insistence, he ends up telling her that the file is empty and that Camille Grignac should move on. Johanna is shocked by her partner’s response. She criticizes him for his defeatism.

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