Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Monday July 17, 2023 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”… While Christophe feels invested with a mission, Nora admits to being responsible for Vincent’s death.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast Monday evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Monday, July 17, 2023 in Such a big sun…


Father Sylvio is alive! Victim of a heart attack, the doctors were able to resuscitate him in time. When he wakes up, Doctor Lewis informs him that it was Christophe that he saved his life.

For his part, Christophe arrives at the office in a good mood and asks Charles if he believes in signs. As the young man is quite rational, the veterinarian invites him to imagine that he is about to take a radical turn that will completely upset his life but that something finally happens that puts him back on the right track. According to him, this is called a sign. As Charles struggles to follow him, Christophe cheerfully declares that you have to believe in the signs that put you on the right track.

During the day, Christophe goes to the bedside of Father Sylvio who thanks him for having saved his life. The veterinarian then teaches him that he himself has suffered from heart problems and that he knows how to react in this kind of situation. During the conversation, Father Sylvio asks him to take care of his cat in his absence. Without hesitation, Christophe accepts and even offers to pick her up at church and then keep her in his office until he gets back on his feet.

After going to church, Christophe goes home and grabs his computer to retrieve the file of Pedro Morel, his next victim, from the trash.


Following Marc Mourre’s revelations, Commissioner Becker is asking himself questions. Indeed, he struggles to understand why the prefecture sought to expel Carine and Maéva so quickly. That’s why he decides to carry out his little investigation.

Meanwhile, Thaïs joins Maéva at the cemetery. Having also lost someone she loved, Thaïs confides that it is thanks to her friends that she was able to get through this difficult period and get out of it. Only, Maéva has the impression that nothing has made sense since Vincent died. Although she understands how she feels, Thaïs emphasizes that she won’t bring him back by stopping living. And to add that they are all there to help him.

Subsequently, Thaïs and Maeva join their comrades in town, which makes Robin particularly happy.

At the police station, Élise confides in Akim about her relationship problems. Since the expulsion of Carine and Maéva, Fanny no longer speaks to her and she fears that the situation will not get better. On the advice of her friend, the policewoman calls Fanny but she does not pick up. Not wanting to talk to her, Fanny can’t stand her partner defending her colleagues and refusing to admit that there was a mistake. Mo then tries to make her understand that Élise was simply doing her job and encourages her to work things out with her. In the afternoon, Fanny and Élise meet in town and reconcile.

For his part, Thierry follows Nora out of the police station then waits for her to get on the tram to provoke a chance encounter. Immediately, Nora asks about her. The policeman then makes him believe that he is fine and that his layoff allowed him to take stock. Thierry then offers her to go have a drink to continue their conversation, which she accepts.

On site, Thierry and Nora discuss the leaden atmosphere at the police station since the death of Vincent Garand. While Nora blames herself terribly for everything that happens to her colleague, the latter reminds her that it was he alone who decided to erase this video. And as much to say that Thierry fully assumes what he has done. For him, they must protect themselves between colleagues in the event of a hard blow. If he had to do it again, he wouldn’t hesitate for a second. Words that push Nora to confide and admit that she is responsible for Vincent’s death…

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