Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Monday June 17, 2024 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”… While Cécile gives Christophe the green light to reopen the investigation into The Florist, Achille and Noura regain their complicity.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast Monday evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

Monday June 17 in Un si grand soleil…

Cécile gives Becker the green light to reopen the investigation into the Florist

In the early morning, Janet informs Clément that Father Pavan sent him a message during the night to warn him that he was going to return to France. When Commissioner Becker assures her that it was the best thing to do, Janet replies that she hopes so. Indeed, the latter would like the priest to be able to prove his innocence. When Clément promises to be impartial, Janet bursts into tears and tells her husband how sorry she is before specifying that she has no desire to lose him. Taking her in his arms, Clément declares that he loves her then they exchange a passionate kiss.

Meanwhile, Christophe is in great shape and even goes so far as to dive into the swimming pool before having breakfast. When he asks Achilles to join him, the latter declines because he has to go to class.

Later, Commissioner Becker meets with Judge Alphand in her office. The latter came to tell him that it was necessary to reopen the investigation into the Florist. While she tries to find out if he has anything new, the police officer, who is uncomfortable, explains that Father Pavan left in a hurry for Paraguay because he had an affair with his wife. He also specifies that Janet is convinced that the priest left France so as not to be confronted by the police. Cécile, who then understands that Father Pavan is perhaps not the killer they are looking for, gives the green light to Becker to reopen the investigation.

At the same time, Cécile asks Chloé to bring out all the elements linked to the Florist.

Not far away, Claudine goes to the hospital and apologizes to Janet for what she heard the other night. In an ironic tone, Doctor Lewis says that the problem is not what she said but what she did. After admitting that she was right, Claudine asks her to understand that her affair with Clément was not a provocation on her part nor an intention to harm her relationship. She therefore apologizes to him for this moment of confusion of which she is not proud. Dryly, Janet then retorts that her excuses don’t matter to her before specifying that this innocent awkwardness did their relationship good. Indeed, Janet assures that this whole story allowed them to measure how much they cared for each other.

At the police station, Commissioner Becker, Manu and Hugo take stock of the Florist’s investigation. As Father Pavan must be arrested within 48 hours, the police decide to restart the Aubert murder case from the beginning and check the priest’s schedule at the time of the alleged Florist murders.

At the end of the day, Yann and Hugo meet up to play basketball. The opportunity for the criminologist to tell his friend how happy he is to resume the investigation into the Florist. At the same time, Hugo receives a message from Christophe who tells him that he will not be able to join them because he has just come out of a major operation.

At nightfall, Cécile announces to Christophe that Father Pavan is going to return to France to answer questions from the police. The killer struggles to hide his worry…

Achille and Noura rediscover their complicity

Stéphanie and Noura have breakfast in their new house. And suffice to say that mother and daughter delight in being able to hear the birdsong. Noura then takes the opportunity to thank her mother for working hard to afford this villa. Stéphanie assures that it was worth it then encourages her daughter to continue her studies to do the same in a few years.

Before leaving for work, Stéphanie reminds her daughter that she will not be there this evening because she is having dinner with Carine. She therefore pushes her to invite her friends to thank them for helping them move and then leaves her 100 euros to order pizzas.

When she arrives at school, Noura invites her classmates to spend the evening at her place. Achille and Tom are quick to accept. When the teenager shows them the tickets that her mother left her for dinner, Tom and Achille can’t help but believe that Stéphanie has won the lottery. Noura then explains to them once again that her mother works hard to earn a living.

Immediately, Achille calls Cécile to ask her permission to dine with his friend. Cécile accepts with pleasure and even offers to come and pick him up.

In the afternoon, Tom announces to Achille that Noura has left her boyfriend. He therefore encourages him to try his luck again with the young woman. Only, Achille doesn’t really want to be rejected once again.

At the same time, Carine and Stéphanie have a drink in a bar. After toasting her new life, Carine tells her friend how much her journey impresses her. Stéphanie admits that she didn’t think she would one day manage five stores.

At the end of the day, the teenagers meet at Noura’s house. The latter takes advantage of a moment alone with Maéva to tell her that she does not regret at all having left Jordan. The two young girls then join Tom and Achille to play on the console. And suffice to say that the complicity is there between Noura and Achille.

At nightfall, Achille receives a call from his mother who warns him that she is waiting for him outside. Noura walks him to the gate while Cécile observes the two teenagers with a smile on her lips. Once back at home, Cécile cannot help but be curious and question Achille about his relationship with Noura but without success. And when she tells him that she finds her very pretty, Achille can’t help but smile in turn.

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