Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Monday March 7, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”…While Yasmine must find a solution, Gary is fired. At the same time, Christophe is still just as mysterious.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast tomorrow evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Monday, March 7 in Such a big sun…


Seeing a light in the house of her neighbor who is supposed to be in the hospital, Céline rings the bell several times. Hidden behind the door with a knife, Kim is relieved when she sees the young woman turn back.

For her part, Yasmine receives a call from Moreau. Kim having been spotted, he asks her to find him a new hideout right away. Panicked, Yasmine confides in Gérald who offers to put her in his room while waiting for something better. Without waiting, Yasmine picks up Kim and drops her off at the local. While the latter criticizes the choice of the place, Yasmine makes her understand that she would not have come to this if she had remained calm as she had told her.

The next morning, Céline tells the police that she noticed a light in her hospitalized neighbor. As they found no trace of the break-in, Akim unfortunately cannot do anything but urges him to continue to keep an eye on the house.

In the evening, Anissa announces to her mother that they will have an answer within the next 48 hours. Only, Yasmine would have preferred her daughter to warn her before speaking to Florent. Indeed, she fears that Driss is in danger if what they are doing comes to light in prison. Since it’s far too dangerous and she doesn’t want her son to die, Yasmine asks Anissa to call Florent to cancel everything. However, Gérald makes her understand that she must give it a shot, especially since she too risks going to prison. And to clarify that he wishes to return to a normal life.


Le Midi Libre has published an article on the fraud suffered by L.Cosmétiques. Reading it, Maryline immediately questions Bilal to find out if her son has something to do with this story. The young man then tells him that Gary forged the general manager’s signature on a purchase order because he was under pressure at the idea of ​​losing an important client.

For his part, Laurent informs Myriam that the director of the bank, Jacques Moure as well as many suppliers have been trying to contact her since the publication of the article in the Midi Libre.

Meanwhile, Alex and Becker take stock of the investigation. Convinced that Mr. Schmidt is not at his first attempt, Alex thinks that they will never find him. Conversely, the superintendent is certain that he will start over under another identity and that is when they will succeed in trapping him.

For her part, Elisabeth calls Myriam. Not appreciating that an article was able to appear in the press, the businesswoman reproaches him for not having been able to protect the company. Moreover, this paper puts them in a deplorable position vis-à-vis the bank and their suppliers. This error necessarily risking undermining their confidence, Elisabeth fears that this story will have dramatic consequences and advises her to obtain a right of reply in the Midi Libre in order to restore the image of L. Cosmétiques.

If she assures that she will do what is necessary, Myriam does not however intend to file a complaint against Gary. But for Elisabeth, keeping it would be a real admission of weakness. Also, she encourages Myriam to fire him immediately.

Without waiting, Myriam summons Gary to her office. Without beating around the bush, she informs him that he is dismissed for serious misconduct with immediate termination of his employment contract. Although he begs her to reconsider her decision, Myriam sticks to her guns then reminds her that he’s not doing so badly because she could have lodged a complaint against him for using forgery.

Annoyed, Myriam joins Nassim and tells him that she kicked Gary out. The young woman blames herself for not having succeeded in saving her the day, especially since it is thanks to him that she returned to L. Cosmétiques.

After dark, Gary waits for everyone to leave to pack up and leave.


Margot finally spent the night at Cécile’s. While having breakfast, she can’t help but tell her sister that her companion is cute. As Christophe is uncomfortable, Cécile indicates that it is a game for her and that she has always loved flirting with men. When the vet asks her if it bothers her, the judge admits that it annoyed her when she was younger but now it makes her laugh. During the discussion, Christophe receives a message from his contact who gives him an appointment at 3 p.m.

At the same time, Margot arrives late at the office and confides to Anissa that she spent a rather drunken evening. Shortly after, the two young women agree to go have a drink together.

Later, Christophe finds a man in the streets of Montpellier and gives him an envelope.

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