Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Saturday March 5, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”…While the police continue their investigation, Jennifer makes a decision about her relationship. Christophe is very mysterious.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast tomorrow evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Saturday March 5 in Un si grand soleil…


Moreau meets with Yasmine to give her some money so she can support Kim. Tense, the mother of the family reproaches him for not having told her that the young woman was wanted by the police. Kim being dangerous and unmanageable, Yasmine decides to stop everything before this whole story goes wrong. Only, Moreau makes fun of her moods and advises her to continue doing what he says if she wants to protect her son.

Shortly after, Yasmine joins Kim in her hideout. The latter having put the music on, Anissa’s mother hastens to turn it off, explaining to her that they risk being spotted by the police. When Kim then tries to find out what she did to make Moreau hold her like this, Yasmine cuts the conversation short and goes to work.

Not far from there, Yann informs commissioner Becker that a witness saw Kim get into a car at the corner of rue Lépine thirty minutes after the theft. Now convinced that she has an accomplice, the policeman hopes to find the owner of the vehicle.

At nightfall, Erwan calls Kim to hear from her, who assures her that everything is fine before apologizing to her for dragging her into her stories. When she asks him to get rid of Yasmine because she doesn’t love her, Erwan replies that he can’t find someone else. And to specify that he holds her enough so that she does not move with one ear. On her way home, Céline notices a light in her neighbor’s house, who is supposed to be in the hospital. As she rings the doorbell, Kim grabs a knife.


Jennifer spent the night at the Bastides. In the early morning, she is particularly unpleasant with Arthur. On leaving for work, she meets Elisabeth who tells her that she spent an excellent evening in her company but Jennifer hardly picks up a few words.

Shortly after, Arthur goes downstairs to have breakfast and thanks his grandmother for inviting his girlfriend. After telling him how happy it made him, the businesswoman begs him to retrieve Jennifer’s passport number to book plane tickets to London.

At work, Arthur goes to see Jennifer to get the necessary information for their weekend abroad. Curtly, the young woman retorts that she does not have a passport because she has never travelled. While Arthur replies that his grandmother must have contacts to speed up the procedure, Jennifer declares that it is useless because she no longer wishes to leave. Indeed, she does not have the means to afford such a trip and cannot accept that her family pays for her.

Feeling the need to be alone, Jennifer isolates herself in the recovery room and then breaks down in tears. Alain, who arrives at this time, would then like to know what is wrong. Once she asks him if he feels sorry for her, Jennifer explains that it’s not a good idea for her to go to London with them because she doesn’t speak English. Immediately, the doctor understands that she heard Élisabeth the old one in the evening. Alain may well apologize to her, but Jennifer leaves.

At home, Alain tells Élisabeth what happened when Arthur bursts in and tells them that he is very unwell. Indeed, he has just received a message in which Jennifer tells him that she wants to take a break. Uncomfortable, Elisabeth indicates that it is her fault. Annoyed, her grandson Bastide criticizes her for being contemptuous and looking down on everyone. As he is furious, Arthur leaves and finds refuge with Claire.

At worst, he confides in Enzo that he cares a lot for Jennifer and that he is afraid of losing her because of his grandmother. Enzo then advises him to give the young woman time and then says he is certain that things will eventually work out.


Anissa continues to make mistakes in the firm. Afraid of not succeeding, Margot tries to reassure her. Quickly, the current passes well between the two young women who are accomplices.

In the afternoon, Margot arrives at her sister’s to enjoy the swimming pool before dinner. As she undresses in front of him, Christophe looks away, which amuses Margot, whom he considers particularly tense. After having done a few fathoms, she joins Christophe and does not hesitate to tease him by turning around him.

In the evening, Christophe receives a call from someone who gives him an appointment the next day. When Cécile arrives, he makes her believe that he was with a colleague and then informs her that her sister is already there.

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