Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Thursday March 10, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”…While Yasmine communicates valuable information to the police, Cécile is accredited as a defense secret. Gary finds a new job.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast on Saturday evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Thursday, March 10 in Such a big sun…


Kim contacts Erwan to help him leave Montpellier as soon as possible. Only, the latter cannot organize his escape in such a short time and asks him to wait for the right moment. In the meantime, he offers him to hide in a hangar at the Villeneuve salt marshes. At the same time, Yasmine arrives at the warehouse and hears the end of their conversation. After joining them, Moreau embarks Kim to take her to her new hiding place.

Afterwards, Yasmine once again thanks Anissa for everything she has done. The young woman then recognizes that this story allowed her to get closer to her brother and to see that he was not completely irrecoverable. Words that please Yasmine who says she is happy to finally be able to return to a normal life. That’s why she asks her daughter about her new boyfriend. With a smile on her lips, the latter replies that she hopes to be able to present it to him soon. If their story was not going to last, Anissa admits that she likes Leo.

Shortly after, Driss calls Yasmine to hear from her. After thanking her, he asks her to convey all his gratitude to Anissa before adding that it is thanks to them that he is still alive. With tears in her eyes, Yasmine declares that a new chance is offered to him and that she hopes that he will not waste it. Driss promises him no, then hangs up.

Later, Gérald read an interview with the companion of the jogger killed by Kim in the Midi Libre. On returning home, he tells his companion that the deceased leaves two children aged 8 and 10 behind her. Shaken, Yasmine feels guilty for having helped a murderess but Gérald tells her that she had no choice.

At nightfall, Yasmine reads the article on the jogger. She then buys a prepaid phone, calls the police and gives them the address of where Kim is.


Since he had chest pain, Christophe does not seem very well and takes his blood pressure in the early morning. When Cécile announces to him that she must go to Paris to interview a detainee as part of an investigation, the veterinarian feels a new pain. Worried about him, Judge Alphand immediately contacted Alain to take care of him as soon as possible.

Cécile then goes to Paris for her appointment. After having studied his file, his interlocutor informs him that his security clearance has been accepted. Cécile is now their correspondent in the Hérault. If this will not change anything in her work as an investigating judge, she will however have sensitive files to deal with. Her interlocutor then told her that no one should know that she was accredited as a defense secret. Neither his colleagues, nor his friends or his spouse. Directives that Cécile understands perfectly.

For his part, Christophe had a few tests at the hospital. The electrocardiogram and his blood tests being good, Doctor Alphand affirms that he sees no precursory sign of rejection of his transplant. As the veterinarian is a little stressed since he feels these pains, Alain encourages him to do a little relaxation.

At the end of the day, Cécile is back. When Christophe asks her questions about her meeting in Paris, she dodges saying that she has no desire to talk about work.


In the morning, Gary arrives in Master Levars’ office. Uncomfortable, Inès’ father admits having been fired for having falsified the signature of the general manager of L. Cosmétiques. Serge, who was already aware, then makes him understand that he should have told him the truth. Gary admits he did something stupid and regrets losing everything because of such a mistake.

Later, Serge meets Strassen. Although he saw five potential candidates to manage the campsite, the lawyer was not convinced by anyone. However, Serge thought of Gary for the job. The latter having just lost his job, he is certain that he will know how to stay in his place and that he will not ask questions. Pressed for time, Stressen agrees to take him on a trial.

Serge therefore arranges to meet Gary at the campsite and informs him of his proposal. If the salary is not at the level of L. Cosmétique, Gary will on the other hand have the right to a bungalow as company accommodation which will allow him to compensate for the losses. Gary is quick to accept and agrees to do his best to live up to it.

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