Un Si Grand Soleil: Lucille soon in danger?

While she hesitates to keep the bag of tickets that David, Mo and she have found by their side in order to enjoy them with Akim, Lucille, followed for several days by a mysterious stranger, will find herself in a critical situation. .

In the last episodes of Un Si Grand Soleil, Lucille (Alicia Dadoun) managed to put the pieces back together with Akim (Aïssam Medhem) after rescuing Mo (Frédérique Kamatari) when Joël showed her his true intentions: to recover the bag of money they found after their crazy night.

Still not knowing who this money belongs to, Lucille, questioned by the police with her friends but released for lack of evidence, will offer Akim to keep some of it in order to benefit both of them. If his companion hesitates and asks him to report it to the police, he finally agrees, and the two spend a luxurious romantic weekend for Valentine’s Day.

But back in Montpellier, while her boyfriend has now decided to return the money, Lucille will find herself in a very bad position. As she prepares to join Akim, she finds herself threatened by a man who points a gun at her head and asks her to follow him.

According to News News, this man, named Simon, is none other than the owner of the mysterious bag of tickets that she and her friends found on the beach after their blackout! The young journalist will then be kidnapped by the man, determined to recover the money he says belongs to a certain Jérôme…

Could this be the same stranger who broke into Mo’s house and assaulted Enric? You will find out in the next episodes of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast from Monday February 14th.

Note that the broadcast of the series having suffered a delay on Thursday February 10 due to the broadcast of the program Elysée 2022: Facing France Télévisions, an episode will be exceptionally broadcast this Saturday at 8:45 p.m.

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