Un Si Grand Soleil: Robin and Maeva soon as a couple? Lucas Ivoula responds

Increasingly close in “Un Si Grand Soleil”, will Robin and Maeva let their hearts speak and get together, despite the drama they have recently experienced? Lucas Ivoula confides in what awaits Robin in the next episodes.

Will a new couple soon be born in Un Si Grand Soleil on France 2?

While the death of Vincent, Carine’s cousin who died during last week’s eviction in prime time, promises to have important consequences and could well upset Commissioner Becker’s professional future, what will be the impact of this tragedy on Maeva (Marie Fèvre) and Robin (Lucas Ivoula)? Will their friendship soon give way to a love story, as Robin seems to hope?

Lucas Ivoula tells us a little more about the Robin-Maeva relationship, what awaits his character and his projects in parallel with the daily soap opera.

After Vincent’s death in Un Si Grand Soleil, will Robin be there to support Maeva in this ordeal?

Lucas Ivoula : Yes, he will try at least. Because Maeva is someone who protects herself a lot. From my perspective, when she rejected Robin, it wasn’t that she didn’t want him. It’s just that she didn’t want to show her weaknesses, her fragility, her sensitivity.

From the death of Vincent, there is the return of this wall between them, of these barricades. And Maeva immediately realizes this. She doesn’t want to take six steps back from Robin again, because he’s been there for her. And finally she likes this Robin.

So Robin will show that he is there, but not as much as before. He will be less on his back. Now their relationship is established, he no longer needs to make any effort. She knows he is there for her.

Can we expect a beautiful love story soon between Robin and Maeva?

In any case, between Robin and Maeva there will be no turnaround, that’s what I can tell you. Their story will take its course naturally.

Will Thaïs be jealous? Or is the past history between Robin and Thaïs definitely behind them?

There is a special bond between Robin and Thaïs (Lila Guiraud), because of their relationship. But I don’t think Thais is jealous. She worries especially for Robin, and she wants him to be happy.

The important thing for her is that he is no longer in pain, because he has been through a lot, between the end of their relationship, the accident and his cardiac arrest. Thaïs takes care of him, a bit like a big sister, oddly (laughs).


Commissioner Becker being judged by some responsible for Vincent’s death, this will create tension in the group of young people, right? Especially with Kira and Enzo…

Yes that’s it. Obviously, Kira (Coline Ramos-Pinto) follows Robin, Maeva and all the movement of the crowd during the sitting. She is especially with them. There is Louis (Sylvain Boccara) too, but not as much. Kira really takes everything that happens to Maeva and her mother to heart.

But as she is linked to commissioner Becker through her link with Florent and Enzo, it becomes complicated for her after the expulsion, when Becker starts having trouble. It’s not a big problem, but it will cause tension in the group, yes.

Recently, Evan and Chloe, Robin’s parents, went through a real storm. Chloe finally made the choice to come back to her husband and try to pick up the pieces. But will this plot continue? Because we have the feeling that Chloé has trouble forgetting Marc…

What is certain is that these tensions cannot magically disappear. So, inevitably, in certain places of the plot, we will feel small residues of that. Even during the intrigue on Maeva, Robin and the expulsion, it will come out at some point.

You have been filming for a few weeks in a new high school setting, largely reconstituted in the studio on green screens. What is your feeling?

I’ve already done a day of filming in this new setting, it’s quite amazing. It’s high school, but completely in green funds. I shot mainly near the lockers and in the hallways, and frankly I was amazed by the result. It does very well. There are also classrooms and the staff room. We only see fire. You will discover all this in the fall.

Last year, shortly after your arrival, we learned from a scene that Robin was bisexual. Or at least it had been implied. In terms of on-screen representation of the LGBT community, which is obviously important and necessary, would you like it to be addressed again in the series, of Robin falling in love with a boy in the future?

Honestly Yes. As the basis has been laid, it would be interesting if he suddenly fell in love with a boy and that the question did not even arise, that we did not make a subject of it. That’s how it is, that’s life, and good for him if he’s happy. Why not one day, yes, I would like. Even if for the moment he is very well with Maeva (laughs).

Do you have any other projects you can talk about?

In mid-July I will start filming two episodes of OPJ for France 3. I have a guest role in two prime-time episodes. I can’t say too much about the character, but what is certain is that he is very different from Robin and that it is very challenging.

And otherwise I play in two plays. One that will be played in September in Paris at the Les Déchargeurs theater, The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep. And another outside of Paris, Goyav de Frans’, story from under the rug, which returns to the case of the Children of Creuse, that is to say on these two thousand children from Reunion who, between 1962 and 1984, were forcibly sent to Creuse to repopulate the French countryside. This is a piece that is very close to my heart.

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