Un Si Grand Soleil: who killed Damien?

After suspecting Anthony and Fanny, the Montpellier police are about to make a discovery that promises to be a game-changer in the investigation into Damien’s death in Un si grand soleil. But who killed the philosophy professor?

Warning, this article contains many spoilers on the next episodes of Un si grand soleil. If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

For several weeks now, the faithful of Un si grand soleil have been living to the rhythm of the investigation into the death of Damien (Pierre Andrau). After suspecting Anthony and Fanny (Elise Del Aneho), the Montpellier police will make a discovery that promises to change the situation during the next episodes of the France 2 soap opera.

Convinced of Fanny’s innocence, Élise (Malya Roman) will do everything possible to exculpate the one with whom a love story began. In the episode which will be broadcast tomorrow evening on France 2, and already available on Salto, the police officer will therefore go to Lyon, where Damien lived, in the hope of unearthing information which could advance the case.

While doing a neighborhood survey, Élise will meet an old friend of Damien who will tell her that the latter moved during the summer without warning. And for good reason, the philosophy professor had an addiction to games. Besides, he owed quite a lot of money to a certain Lozac, a local bookmaker. What motivate a departure from Lyon without telling anyone. A solid track that the police will inevitably dig.

Could this famous Lozac be the murderer of Damien?

If Lozac did not kill Damien with his own hands, he is in any case linked to his death. Indeed, the latter hired a certain Rudy to recover the 50,000 euros that the professor owed him. During his interrogation, the henchman will later admit to having killed him by accident.

According to information from News actual, Rudy went to Damien’s house to collect the money owed to Lozac. Drunk, the professor insulted him before sending him for a walk. Unfortunately, the situation escalated and Rudy pushed him. While Damien was on the ground, Rudy grabbed him by the neck and then accidentally killed him with a sudden movement. As a result, he made up his death as a suicide by reflex.

The identity of Damien’s murderer having finally been revealed, Anthony and Fanny will therefore be cleared in the next few days. For her part, Élise could still have some doubts about an element of the file. From there to discover that Sofia interfered in the investigation out of pure jealousy? Answer soon in Un si grand soleil.

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