UN urges Musk to uphold human rights on Twitter

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has called for “human rights” to be at the center of the management of the social network.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk on Saturday urged the new owner of Twitter Elon Musk to ensure that these rights are respected on the social network.

I urge you to make human rights central to the management of Twitter under your leadership.“, wrote Volker Türk in an open letter, where he says his “apprehension about our digital public square and Twitter’s role in it“. “Respect for our shared human rights should serve as safeguards for the use and evolution of the platform” and “like all businesses, Twitter needs to understand the damage associated with its platform and take steps to address it“, he added.

Sacked team

In this sense, the information that Elon Musk fired the entire Twitter team that was dedicated to human rights is not “not, from my point of view, an encouraging start“, regretted Volker Türk. The High Commissioner for Human Rights, who rightly published his open letter on Twitter, where he has some 25,000 subscribers, set out six fundamental principles, including freedom of expression, the protection of privacy and the guarantee transparency.

Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, took control of Twitter on October 28, after buying the social network from the bluebird for 44 billion euros. He immediately dissolved the board of directors, dismissed the leaders, before laying off about half of the 7,500 employees.

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