Under pressure from creators, Twitch announces ban on online casinos

Like Mbappé who managed to bend the FFF by ignoring a photo shoot with the French team, influencers made Twitch bend over gambling streams. Indeed for several days many streamers have challenged the platform to prohibit a new expanding practice, lives on games of chance and online casinos.

Pokimane had notably tweeted against these streams and obtained the support of more than 300,000 people. Several video creators had even announced that they wanted strike until Twitch responds. In question: streams where videographers play gambling on online casino sites, an illegal practice in some countries but not in the USA. However, an investigation had revealed that these contents were sponsos disguised in order to inflate the number of registered on portals with more than dubious operation.

The debate flared up again when the streamer Sliker had extracted money from his subscribers to be able to play games of chance, demonstrating a dangerous addiction. In the end, after a year of debates which have taken a new turn in recent days, Twitch finally announced by a simple press release the prohibition of this kind of content.

We will be updating our Terms of Service on October 18 in order to prohibit the dissemination of certain gambling sites which allow the playing of slot machines, roulette or dice games

However, only sites that are normally banned in the US or “in other jurisdictions that offer sufficient protections” will be banned. Links in chats or descriptions, which were already mostly banned, will be even more closely monitored. On the other hand, streams that focus on sports betting or poker will not be affected. A new controversy and a reaction from Twitch which is reminiscent of that on hot tub streams.

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